Not to be a pessimist, because most of us are not, but to simply be wise as Christians, you and I must understand there is deception everywhere. The Oscars are an excellent example of a group of people who are lost, parading themselves to be wise, yet many of them with no real hope. They believe in the vain, very temporary, glory of stardom only as the star tarnishes they find they have no real value. It is the same thing with so much that the world considers valuable. Can you imagine what was going through Jesus mind as He stood before the rulers of His day? He was on trial but watched them in their deception? Jesus warns us that deception is only going to become worse.
Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you."
Jesus was preparing us for what will go on as we draw closer to His return. When Jesus is saying "take heed" it would be like anyone yelling "stop" in order to protect us from on-coming traffic. Jesus is getting our attention to make sure we understood that in every aspect of life, as the age comes to a close, deception will be rampant...entertainment, politics, education, and even religion. We must be aware.
The word used for "deceives" has the meaning to be lead astray, as if they once were walking the wise path but something happened, and they no longer are on that path. 2 Thessalonians 2 gives us an idea of what some of that deception might be including believing lies instead of the truth. Does that sound familiar?
How do we protect ourselves from deception? The passage in Thessalonians tells us, "love of the truth"! God's Word is truth, Jesus is the truth, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. As we "read our Bibles," spend time in prayer, and learn to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us we will never be deceived. The only way for the world to see the truth is for us to walk in the truth. As we walk and live in this truth, people will be set free!
1 comment:
Be ever so cautious for our enemy seeks to destroy us! Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but are ravenous wolves. Pray therefore for discernment that you may know Truth.
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