Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 20 Thought for the day...what do we want vs. what do we settle for?

Every TV/radio commercial has but one goal in mind, to get you to want their stuff. They do it in different ways; if you don't buy this, you will be in danger, if you don't buy that you are missing out on the perfect thing, if you don't buy this you are somehow less than all the others who have bought it. The list goes on and on. Jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be. Paul challenges us this way.

Colossians 3:1,2.

"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth."

Some treasures leave our hearts broken, others scarred, some we can never recover from apart from a miracle. If God is our treasure and His desires for us, then we have found the best, perfect treasure for us. The word "seek" here means to put your whole heart into looking, to earnestly search. Paul is saying give everything to seeking Christ and the higher things.

Paul is alluding to the idea that we should completely refocus by "setting your affections on things above." This should more accurately be translated, set you thought life, your intellect on things above, deliberately choose beyond your emotions to trust in what God has for you!  Our emotions often get in the way. Our dreams and hopes get dashed we feel depressed and broken, but Paul is saying here....choose, make the choice intellectually, to look to God and his plan.

What are the things above? Christ is above, so are the Father, and Holy Spirit. Our rewards are above, so are all of those who have gone before us. Eternal life is above and all the amazing future that is for us. Blessings upon blessings and all of the promises of God our above and they are all ours if we will but choose to take our eyes off of the temporary trial, problems, limitations, temptations, and human plans and look higher.

God has so much more for us, and we settle for so much less. If our affections are set on the stuff of earth, then the stuff of earth will be our reward. If our affections are set on the stuff above and of God then the stuff of God, heaven will be our reward...the blessings, anointing, power, authority, gifts and so much more. The choice is ours!

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