We have all seen them, you are at Walmart, and there is a child or a couple of children that are entirely out of control. They are screaming, yelling at their parents, refusing to listen, maybe even telling their parents, "no!" They are a little-undisciplined anarchist. I can predict their future...jail time. Discipline is not only needful but absolutely necessary for success. Our flesh hates it, the devil hates it, but God blesses us through it.
No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. Hebrews 12:11
We are all born of flesh, and the flesh wants what the flesh wants, and most of that are things contrary to God's best for us. Our most significant battle is not with the devil but with the flesh. If the flesh is under subjection to Christ, then the devil has no possibility of ever winning in our lives. Being wholly submitted to the Father crucifies our flesh and leads us to more power, greater anointing, and complete freedom, love, joy, peace and so much more! Walking in a disciplined life allows us to be entirely used of the Holy Spirit tieing in with yesterday's "thought" regarding excellence!
The word "discipline" means to educate, instruct, any action taken for the betterment of one's life. It is not only the process but also the attitude we want to be disciplined to grow, mature, and excel! This type of attitude is vital if we are going to mature. I know how important my disciplines of being in the Word, prayer, and working out our to my spiritual and physical health but some morning I lack the desire to do them, even though I know how vital they are to me. This word is a severe word meaning we must have a strictest of disciplinary approaches to life in order to overcome our flesh.
If I want the outcome of a disciplined life; moving in a greater anointing, power, wisdom, and all of the fruit of the Spirit, I must choose to discipline my flesh, effectively killing it off so the Holy Spirit may completely flow through me. It certainly is neither easy nor comfortable. Little children put it this way, "Mom, everyone else is doing it why can't I?" It hurts, "painful" meaning grievous, uncomfortable, distressing. It is hard work to go to get a degree, work out every day, learn a language. It is also hard to stop smoking, lying, swearing, or any other bad habit. "trained" is the word for weight training, physical exercise, or running, the results will be worth it.
The writer in talking about a "peaceful harvest of right living" is referring to progress in your life of godliness. You will see the fruit of the Spirit in everything you do, the power and anointing of God in greater measure, fear, anxiety, worry, anger, and all of the work of the flesh will be subdued in your life. This is not a "do it once and done" Jesus said, if anyone wants to be his disciple (follow His discipline) they must take up their cross (crucify their flesh) daily. For me, just like the working out discipline walking in His discipline is so very daily. It is worth every moment, every sacrifice, to witness all the lives that are being changed and the way the Holy Spirit is moving in our church. Try it today and see if it is worth it to you!
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