Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10 Thought for the day...leaders needed

What do you think God looks for in leadership? Many would think someone that has the right gifts, talents, and abilities. While these things are important they are not what God wants us to look for, Paul helped young Timothy find the right people

This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. 1 Timothy 3:1

Timothy was going to be pastoring one of the largest churches in the world. To do this efficiently, he needed leadership he could trust. Paul gave him advice regarding who to look for and trust. God's leadership choice is always about character first, gifting second.

The word translated bishop really means, "a person who has oversight!" I believe every person in the church, because of our need for integrity in the church and leadership in the world, should live up to these qualifications. I am thankful, in my church,  that many do and many others are working on these character traits. It doesn't stop within the church.

This term can be applied in all aspects of life. Paul is preparing to tell us various traits that one should look for in a person that can be trusted to be a leader in any area. In Rome, this term was used of people who could be trusted to get jobs done, oversee projects, handle and account for funds, a person that would make sure everything was completed with excellence, and integrity.

Today this could be a manager, supervisor, administrator, anyone who wants or desires to hold a position of leadership. God expects people who love Him, to be excellent in all they do it is one of the ways, we can bring glory to Him. When we use our gifts the best, we can we bring Him glory. In the church, people are needed for areas of responsibility, areas of excellence. The church of Ephesus that young Timothy pastored needed quality leadership to meet all of the needs and impact the world.

Every pastor needs and should be looking for leaders with the character traits we will be talking about over the next few days. Every business deserves to have Christians that live these character traits as well. Every boss, who calls themselves a Christian, should emulate these traits giving their employees an example to live by.

Keep reading over the next few days to see if this is you! I hope it is. Try to live in such a way that if someone spoke badly about you that no one would believe it!

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