Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 9 Thought for the are important and chosen

I think for most of us rejection has been an influencer in our lives. We have been treated poorly, ignored, made to feel like we have no value or importance. God knows but he sees us and recognizes our value. He chose us!

Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. 1 Corinthians 1:28

Paul is writing to a church who had been utterly ostracized by their culture because of their choosing to follow Christ. The word in this translation for "foolish" means to be completely rejected, seen as having no value, considered detestable by others. He is saying this, the people the world mocks, ignores, makes fun of, the people the world looks down on, are not really seen for their real value.

The "powerless" acknowledged only as something to be used and thrown away, the ones who are considered, second rate or second class. The world is blinded by the enemy. He does not want those who don't know Jesus to see all of the gifts, talents, strength, power, love, grace and so much more that make up who we are. He confuses them to believe they are powerful and the "it" people.

Paul is saying don't confuse your value by the way the world sees, they are blind but He sees us. he created us each individually by His amazing love. He sees us and has chosen us above all others because He is truth and He always sees the truth. The truth is you are a gift, you are a blessing, you are extremely valuable, you are the hero the world is waiting for to bring them to freedom. The world doesn't see the truth yet, but we must not allow ourselves to believe the lie!

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