Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21 Thought for the day....the right strategy

I have written before about the battles we all are in. I have taught on spiritual weapons numerous times, but it takes more than spiritual weapons to win the battles we face. Paul outlines our strategy in 2 Corinthians 10:4

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,"

God's strategy for winning our battles is found in this one verse. We need to look at three words the first being "weapons." God has provided for all of us spiritual weapons that are both defensive and offensive. They are found in Ephesians 6:13-18. Paul takes the time to describe each of them one by one and details their purpose.

The next word is "warfare" which is the Greek word which means, strategy. The meaning behind this suggests that our battles are not accidental but strategic by God and also by the enemy. The enemy has strategic plans to attack us, but our warfare is divinely strategic from God. Think of Joshua and Jericho, (Joshua 6:1-27) or Jehoshaphat battling Ammon and Moab through obedience and praise crushed the enemy without even fighting a battle (2 Chronicles 20: 20-25). These were clear strategies from God that overwhelmed the enemy, ideas that were God-given. He will do the same thing for you, giving you unique strategies to overcome your enemies if you will trust Him.

Can you imagine an army of men and women who understand the weapons God has given and learn and follow God strategy? That army will change the world!

The last word "carnal" refers to anything from or of the flesh, anything that is natural or of an un-supernatural origin. Paul wants to make it clear that we can only win the real battles through spiritual weapons with spiritual strategies. We need to begin looking at some of our battles, addictions, struggles, and fights through a supernatural lens. Then begin to overwhelm the enemy through the weapons we have been given and the wisdom God gives in strategic ways, and we will win every time!

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