Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thought provoking questions

In the last few days I have had a series of thought provoking questions thrown my way. I love it, it forces me to dig in and share what I believe and why I believe it and it also shows me that people are really thinking through things.

Paul ran into a similar situation in Acts 17. As we read between the lines of verses 10 -12 we see that the people in Berea didn’t simply listen to Paul’s words but they searched the scripture to see if what Paul was saying was true or not. They weren’t simply being critical; they were hungry for the truth.

Paul instructs his young son in the faith in 2 Timothy 2:15

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

We all, not just those that are in “ministry”, are called to read, study, and know God’s Word. Whether we know it or believe it, we are all also called to the ministry.

Every month or so I have people asking what do I say to the Jehovah’s Witnesses that come to my door. What do I say, to the Mormons? One thing I can say for these two cults is that they do know their version of the word. Perhaps it is not fair to mention those two cults in particular because there are arguments that are not just found in the Bible. Much of their argument attacks what we believe about God, Jesus, and salvation. Many of the things we should have a firm grip on as we read the Bible.

The world is lost mainly because they don’t have the answers or know where to get them. God’s word is a love letter to each of us. The Psalmist wrote in chapter 119 “your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”. Hearing about God only in church or through your favorite TV or radio program is like dating God. You have mushy feelings of love that are all about potential. Being in His Word on a daily basis is like being in love and married. It is daily growing, new discoveries, the wonder of learning something new about the person you love. It is knowing you are theirs’ and they are yours’. As you spend time in God’s word there is an assurance that He really does know you and you know His nature and character.

Reading the Word daily doesn’t mean we will have all the answers, all of the time that is why we go to church. Through church attendance we can have the Word reinforced in our lives. You will at times have a bit of loss or confusion as you are daily discovering the Word. The Holy Spirit will guide you as you commit yourself to diligently seeking Him. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He rewards us with peace, knowledge, understanding, love and growing in Him.

Life is full of hard questions. Some things take time to answer. Some things are only answered in hindsight. Knowing God’s Word gives us the assurance that everything will work out in the end. God is always faithful and loves us. There is always some thing encouraging we can glean from His Word.

God’s Word is also like an anchor to our souls. When the storms of life come. When those hard times or hard questions come, we can be at peace knowing our lives are anchored to Him and His Word.

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