I was driving early this morning with the top down on my car, K-love is on the radio blaring, “Give me your eyes” by Brandon Heath. I pulled up to a stop light. When you are in a convertible the radio needs to be extra loud as you are driving because of all of the road and wind noise but when you stop, if I would have had a bass boost I would have been like of those teenagers who power their cars by their stereos. It wasn’t bad though as I looked around I noticed people near me were head bopping to the song as well. My mind went through a whole series of questions; “How many times does this happen?”, “How has my driving been?”, “Does anyone understand what they are bopping their heads to?” In a way I was accidentally witnessing.
Our lives should be a living example of Christ by everything we do. The apostle Paul said that we are to be letters easily read by all men (2 Corinthians 3:3). In other words, people should be watching us, seeing Jesus in what we say and do. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for putting on a show but not really having the true heart. It is not about a show of holiness but a reflection of what is really in our hearts.
Being Jesus is not just about sharing our faith with words but simple things can lead to “accidental” witnessing. Have you ever seen someone in trouble with their car and offered to help? Watched a baby throw a toy to the ground and Mom did not see it, so you picked it up? See someone struggling with groceries and you helped? There was a time when things like these were common courtesies but that day, has long past. Simple things like that can, at the very least bring joy to someone for a moment or open a conversation. In the book Conspiracy of Kindness, Steve Sjogren discusses that simple acts of kindness from a pure heart can become convincing acts of evangelism.
Part of the fruit of the Spirit is “kindness” something lacking in much of today’s society. Taking a few minutes out of your day to live Jesus before others can make for some interesting “accidental witnessing” that could change a life for eternity. Please keep in mind; generally speaking, it takes many such encounters to lead someone to saving faith. We are to simply “be Jesus” to others and allow the Holy Spirit to do through work through us. Everyone can be a witness; perhaps this is a style that will work for you. Allow the Lord to use you to change lives through simple acts of accidental witnessing, watch and see where the Lord leads.
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