1 Corinthians 3
Drive into any town in the US and you are sure to see dozens of churches. Around the world, faith in Christ is expressed in many ways. Arminianism and Calvinism, Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant, Evangelical, Fundamental, these are all some of the titles that you will see today. Blood has been shed in the name of Christ against his followers of a different tradition. No one is going to stand before the Lord on the last day and hear from the Father, “Wow, you had great theology!”
Please don’t get me wrong great theology is important. We must know and understand what we believe and why we believe it. I believe denominations and difference are of God because He created each one of us differently and so we express our love and devotion in ways that more fit our culture and/or personality.
Paul does give a stern warning here about divisions in the church. Making sure what we are building is not based on our fleshly desires or wants but on the truth of the Gospel. The things of real value; truth, love, God’s Word are the things made of gold, and precious stones. The things of our own flesh; our pride, lust greed, that some have used to built their part of the ministry are wood, hay, and stubble. All of us as Christians have a part in the building. If we allow that part of which we are responsible to be built on our selfishness or selfish desires, no matter how hard our work it will all be destroyed! Nothing of fleshly desires can honor God. Only those things, which we do with pure hearts, out of a true love and understanding of the Lord will last.
It is not necessarily the big edifices that honor God, but anything done in Hi name out of love. Mowing the grass for an elderly neighbor, bringing a meal to someone sick, visiting someone in prison to bring an encouraging word, taking the time to listen to someone who is hurting. The beauty of architecture can honor God if done for his glory, but the seemingly little things bring Him just as much glory it is all about the heart.
It is human nature to want to say, “I’m right and you’re wrong”. We are supposed to be people of faith who are always looking for the good in others. We should always be encouraging one another and looking for basis of true unity in Christ. Once again not uniformity but finding a place of unity where we can bless one another and according to Psalm 133, a place where God commands the blessing.
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