1 Corinthians 10
I know it may sound like a dumb question all of us are tempted at one time or another. Some of us are tempted everyday. Everyone can or will face temptation it is common to the human condition. Some of our temptations are the simple things; that extra piece of dessert, go a little faster on the highway than we should, or make a decision to buy something that we want but can’t afford. However, some of our temptations can do great damage, engaging in some illicit sexual or drug related activity, losing our temper and saying or doing things that bring about damage, or turning our backs on God.
Paul had mentioned in chapter 10 about his freedom to do certain things and his freedom to choose not to do some things because of love. His encouragement to each of us is any temptation that comes are way is common to all men. Don’t think any temptation is so overwhelming that you will be overrun by it. For every temptation that we face, say it with me “every temptation that we will face,” God has made a way for us to escape. We don’t need to come under temptation, we have His spirit in us, if we have faith in Christ, so we can rely on that strength to make it through each temptation with victory. We simply need to learn to depend upon His strength, grace, and mercy.
We know when we are being tempted. It doesn’t just sneak up on us, all of sudden we have succumbed to temptation. We have time to think, wrestle, and overcome or be overcome by it. It is at that moment that we must cry out to God for His help. Knowing who you are and the way God thinks about us helps us to trust Him to deliver us from the temptation. You are a child of the King of Kings. He loves you and believes in you. If my son or daughter asked for any kind of help at all, I would be there for them to help them in any way I could. How much more will or Father come and rescue us.
We mustn’t confuse our freedom with giving in to temptation. Paul’s point is while eating meat offered to idols is not necessarily a bad thing going to a pagan worship service and eating meat as part of their religious celebration would be wrong. In our terms the closest example I can think of would be the following:
It may be OK for you to go to the home of a strip club owner and his stripper girlfriend to share the Gospel but going to the strip club to share the Gospel would be wrong for men because of the temptation it presents and the example it gives to others. I know it is not a perfect example but it is an example of what Paul is dealing with here.
You have liberty to be who God has called you to be but rather than using your liberty to allow an opportunity for you to fall or lead others into temptation. Use your liberty to help others grow in Christ and keep you free from temptation.
What temptations are you facing? Your temptations will be different from your friends, spouse, or other family members. We all have different weaknesses. Don’t allow yourself to be found in a place where you could compromise. On the other side of the coin, don’t be afraid to participate in things or with people that are not against God’s Word. The light is always brightest in dark places. You know what you can handle. If you are not sure, ask someone who love the Lord and you, what they think. God will guide as you seek Him for the answers.
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