Acts 3
I love this story; it is one of my favorites. Peter and John see this man born lame, the lame man has one thing in mind but God has another. I don’t know if that has ever happen to you, but there are times when I have been like the lame man. Not that I couldn’t walk but I have had a limited view of what God could do! The lame man was only looking for a little change when the Lord wanted to change his world.
There is so much the Lord wants for us. He has given you amazing gifts and talents. He views your life through the fullness of joy and abundance. He has plans to prosper you and do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we could hope or ask. We ask God only for the crumbs from the table. I am not talking about a new Lexus in every driveway or a million dollar income. To be honest, God does have plans to prosper some of you that way, if you can handle it, but I am talking about real joy; the type of joy that is with you despite the circumstances of life. The kind of people you want to be around because they are always full of life. Real abundance, going through life without worrying about any need because you know God will never fail you. Always having what you need to take care of you and your family and enough for every good work, worry free and anxiety free. Isn’t that so much more than where most of us are right now. God wants the whole world to know He is Lord. That is going to take time, energy, and money to make that happen. Where is that going to come from? You and me, as we look to God for all that He has for us, rather than just the scraps from the table.
The second part of this story is Peter and John. They said, “such as we have we give…”, As Christians we can only give out what we have inside. Do you have hope, love, joy, and peace? Then you can give out hope, love, joy, and peace. However, if all you have to offer are insecurities, doubt, anxiety, and bitterness then that is what you will give out. The positive and negative is that we always give this out, either the good or the bad, whether we plan to or not.
Here is the challenge, what do you have? If it is positive, then ask the Lord for more for you to give. If it is the negative stuff, ask the Lord to change your attitude and heart and make you a person of faith and strength. You know what will happen if you do? God will do it! He loves you and wants you to have the fullness He has planned for you. Don’t sell God short or settle for less than He has for you. Don’t allow your limitations to limit you, allow the limitless God to set your limits.
The lame man was lame! He lived lame and felt lame. God is greater than our feelings and our past. He sees you walking, so today, expect to walk!
Tomorrow Acts 4
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