Luke 12
I hope everyone is safe and warm after our mini-snowstorm. If you power ever goes out and you are in need give the church a call we will do what we can to help.
This passage is not an easy passage. Jesus has just been very direct and critical of the leadership (remember our talk about judging). They said they love God but their actions prove they love power and prestige more. Because of this hard line many are crowding in, almost riot-like to hear what Jesus has to say.
Our challenge as followers of Jesus is to follow Him regardless of the cost. “Don’t be afraid of those who can kill the body but he who has the power to cast you into hell” It doesn’t get much more direct than that.
Remember that you are important to God he knows you in everyway and loves you but there are some things we must battle of which we need to be aware:
1) Don’t be satisfied in yourself and forget God. Being wealthy is not wrong. Having what you need to accomplish the task God has called you to is not wrong. The farmer in verses 16 – 20 simply became satisfied in himself and forgot od had blessed him with everything and did not remember how very important everyday is. We are only given today; tomorrow is in God’s hands.
2) Don’t worry about tomorrow (you can plan for it) know that God will take care of you if you trust Him. You are the most important of all creation, trust that God cares more about you and your future than you could ever imagine. You are greater than the flowers or birds.
3) Always be vigilant. It is foolish to think, well I can do this sin and no one will notice. God is always there and expects His children to act like His children. It seems like some harsh statements that Jesus is saying in the last third of this chapter but our relationship with the Lord can become sloppy. When begin to develop a too familiar attitude with the Lord. I want you to know and understand the Lord as your friend but we must always be aware as C. S. Lewis wrote in Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan (Jesus) is not a tame lion but a ferocious one. While He is a loving God who knows the hair on our head, He is also a righteous and holy judge and king.
For so long people had an intense fear of God that was not a righteous fear but an unholy one that kept them from relationship. The pendulum has swung the other way where at time we have too casual an approach toward God. We must strive toward balance, know that God really loves us and cares about us but also knowing we must live righteous and holy lives before a righteous and holy God. I believe that is the lesson of chapter 12.
Tomorrow Chapter 13
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