John 6:27 – 48
Do you ever find yourself over-thinking some thing. Often when we over think we get into trouble, we read more into it than is necessary. Someone says something to you and rather than excepting it at face value we read something into it, “What did he or she mean by that?” It rarely turns out better or for the good and more often than not ends up either getting us in trouble or giving us a bad attitude.
The crowds around Jesus were over-thinking, they were making it harder to follow Jesus than it was. They were looking for a work or a sign that they would or could do that would give them entrance into the Kingdom. It is human nature to want to “earn” our way into the Kingdom of God. Jesus was explaining to the people it is as easy as eating food or receiving a loaf of bread. The simplicity is found in verse 35, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” Simply recognizing who Jesus is, the “coming” to Him part and then believing in who He is, will get you into the Kingdom.
Too simplistic? Religion teaches us that we must work to “become” whatever the “becoming” part is of any major religion. Jesus asks us to simply believe. God already made the way! He eliminated the wall that separates us from Him by Jesus death on the cross and we want to keep putting it back up by putting in a list of rules and regulations of who can get there. Our relationship should be about falling in love with the Lord. When you fall in love and continue to give your love some very important things begin to happen, you learn to trust, you long to be with them, and you desire not out of demand but out of love, to do things that will please the one to whom you love. Some get that confused with “works” but if you love someone you long to be with them and do things that will bring you both joy. It all starts with coming to Him and simply, like a child, believing.
Are you making some things too hard today? God is really in love with you and wants only the best for you? Make the decision to simply believe, don’t worry! Just believe! Make it simple today and see what He will do for and through you. Let Him love you today!
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