John 6:49 - 70
There are all kinds of people we have in our lives. People that want to hang around you because it makes them feel better, people that are in your life just because you work together, and those that stand with you whatever the storm. As long as you know where people stand, it is easy to handle. Problem happen when you think you have a friend who will ride out the storm with you and when the first little wind blows they run for cover, that is when it hurts.
Walking with Jesus is a joy. Knowing that your life and future are secure because of your friendship will make anyone’s day. Developing a friendship with the God who created everything is an amazing thing, it is one of the privileges of being a son or daughter of God.
Jesus had been performing many miracles, healings and speaking great wisdom. He had challenged those in authority who had been lording their righteousness over the people. He had miraculously fed over fifteen thousand people with only a few loaves and fish. He was all they were looking for loving, miraculous, radical and someone who would fill their bellies. What more could a people ask for? Jesus didn’t come simply for those things; those are all surface relationship things. He came so that they might have relationship with the Father.
If we want Jesus or really any relationship for simply what they can do for us we will miss out on the wonder of discover and growth that the Lord has planned for us. God brings people into our lives for us to bless, for them to challenge us, and for our growth and encouragement.
Jesus challenged the people to go deeper. The “eating of His flesh and drinking His blood” was His challenge to people to say be willing to die like I died, be willing to walk the walk they I will walk and you will have life in a way you could never imagine. You are in the way, when you die to your self and selfish desires, I will cause you to live in the fullness of God’s Spirit.
The Result:
Many walked with Him no longer! Even His closest friends were challenged. Jesus had to ask them, “What about you?” Great answer by Peter, “Where else can we go? Who else has the words of eternal life?” I have been in that place where I do not understand what God is doing or why and the devil wants me to give up on my faith. That’s when I have had to stand and say, “Where else can I go?”
We all go through hard places. At one point in your life you will be asked to handle or do hard things. There are many lives that are depending on our growing to be the men and women God calls us to be. God will walk us through the hard things, if we are willing. They will cause our growth. The disciples could have walked away but they would have missed all of the great, miraculous things God had planned.
God has great plans for you! Part of that plan will cause you to walk through tough things and have you work through some difficult decisions. Will you trust Him any way? Will you continue to walk with Him or will you be a Fair weather friend who runs at the first sign of trouble.
“In this world you will have tribulation,” Jesus said, “but I have overcome the world.”
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