Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What were they thinking?

Matthew 27:40 - 65

Matthew’s account of Jesus death on the cross has many players. As I was reading the account this morning I was wondering, “What were they thinking?” not in an angry or sarcastic way, but Jesus death impacted the people around the cross.

While many were mocking one of those who were with the mockers all of a sudden had compassion on Jesus and got him something to drink! (48). What was he thinking?

A centurion who was assigned to do hundreds of crucifixions, watched Jesus die and in His death saw the attributes of the Son of God? (54) What did he see? What was he thinking?

A wealthy Pharisee who until this point we had not heard of, despite the mocking of his comrades, risk life, position, wealth, and reputation to speak to Pilate on Jesus and His disciples behalf to obtain Jesus’ body. He could stand in the shadows no longer.(57) What was he thinking?

The Pharisees so afraid of a dead man that they too went to Pilate to ask for armed security for a dead man’s body. (62) What were they thinking?

Why would I pose these questions? Here is my thought for you today. I want you to answer two questions:

1) What do you think people are saying about your life today? As people see you going about your daily business what are people saying about the way you respond to people the way you live out your faith, they way you treat your spouse, children, friends and co-workers. What are people thinking about your life?
2) What do you really think about Jesus’ death on the cross? Is it simply a piece of jewelry around your neck? Is it a nice story that you love to hear at Easter time? Does it have life changing power in your life?

Jesus death means life for all of us. We all have freedom from religion and fear because the cross has brought us into relationship with Heavenly Father. That knowledge should bring us a joy and that joy should give us the desire to let others know what freedom we have been given. We should be able to give others pause to think!

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