Matthew 25:31 - 46
Basically that is the question being answered in this passage. Everyone has heard the sheep and the goats story. I even heard them joke about it on the “Big Bang Theory” a few weeks ago. So most people are familiar with the concept but if you don’t understand the way that God “thinks” it would be easy to misunderstand the story.
At first glance it would look like God is judging people based on their works. “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me something to drink….” Those were told they were welcomed into heaven while those who did not do the “works” were thrown into hell. That certainly does look like a “work you way into heaven” type of God. If that were so then Paul could not have written
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
Ephesians 2:8,9
So what is going on here if it is not God judging our works? I believe we see the answer in the response of the “sheep”. When the Lord said all of these wonderful things about them, they didn’t have a clue that they had done any of them, “When did we see you naked and clothe you? When were you hungry and we fed you?” They had some much of the Lord in their lives, their hearts were so surrendered to Him, fulfilling His hearts desire was their hearts desire. They had become one with Him, His bride, if your will. Jesus saw his own reflection in the “sheep”. In the “goats” He saw only self and selfishness, only caring for themselves.
Heaven is like visiting someone’s home. If you know them you are welcome there but if you are a stranger you will not be invited in. I hate to continue to beat this drum but it really is all about relationship.
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