Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April 30 Thought for the day...the cure for boredom

All of us get bored at one time or another. Put on any sporting event on TV, and I am there instantly. The danger is when we get spiritually bored. People go from church to church, teacher to teacher, event to event always wanting more but is that really the problem. James challenges that line of thinking.

But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. James 1:22

Spiritual boredom is caused primarily by one thing, knowledge without application is boredom. If all you do is listen to the word, listen to the next teaching without ever living it out you will get bored, always looking for the next great thing when in reality the next great thing is your application of the word the Lord sends you week after week otherwise you will become weak after weak!

The Word of God is living and active, but if we are not active with it, then we slowly begin to die spiritually. Being a doer of the word requires discipline in your prayer life and in your spiritual walk. People who are doers are never bored because the application of God's Word is an adventure.

The phrase use "just listen" is a classical Greek term meaning to "audit a class without getting credit." This is what happens to the "hearers" as the KJV puts it. They simply audit the class, are entertained by it, but never intend to apply it to be useful. Thus the boredom.

Ask yourself...

Am I serious about the Word of God and its application in my life? Or am I simply an “auditor” who has no intention of doing the Word? Am I doing something with the Word I’ve heard preached, or am I among those who hear the Word but do not act on what they have heard? Does God consider me to be a listener or a doer of the Word?

America is full of listeners but changing our nation will only be done by doers. Are you oversaturated with Christian Television, radio, books, magazines, sermons? If so, begin doing the word, change your life, and the world in the process. Those in my church, if you simply begin to apply what I spend hours seeking the Lord for every week, I guarantee you will never be bored but have a grand adventure and in the process change the world.

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