I tried getting away from these verses, but I think I need just one day. These are the true verses of Easter and Christmas. They are critical for every Christian to understand who Jesus is.
"but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." Philippians 2:7,8
When Paul writes "being found in the appearance as a man" he is giving us a description. The description is this, it is as if a King took off his royal robes to put on the clothing of a beggar. Paul did not have the words to describe what he saw of heaven, and it is this majesty that Jesus willingly left, the glory of heaven in order to put on flesh, which limited His glory. If he didn't, no man would have been able to survive in His presence.
When talking about Jesus "humbled Himself" it means he would lower himself to any measure. Jesus being fully God chose to do whatever it took to make a way for you and me to have a relationship with the Father.
Jesus was "obedient." Think about that for a moment, this meant Jesus had a choice. He could have said, "No!" Instead, the creator of the universe was obedient to His Father. It means to be under someone's authority, listen to what they have to say, then carry out those orders. Jesus saw the cross before him but also saw past the cross to you and me coming into real relationship with Him.
Jesus saw you and me from the very beginning. He knew it would cost Him living in and surrounded by glory, for a season. He knew it would cost him physical, mental, and emotional anguish. He would feel every human emotion, be tempted by every human temptation and overcome it all, so he knows how to empathize with us and then show us how to overcome too!
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