Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

January 1

We want to begin this new year right by spending a little time each day in the God’s Word! God’s word is not just a collection of historically and spiritually accurate accounts but is His love letter to us. It is a series of events and insights that help us to understand how much He loves us.

For the first 40 days I will be blogging every day with devotional insights as part of an annual fast. After that I will return to a devotional blog only on weekdays.

During this first 40 we will go through Luke and Acts. Showing the acts and ways of Jesus and the acts and ways of the apostles.

I will not be able to cover every insight each day but will give brief insight into some of the things I am seeing that I believe you may need for today. I am praying through each passage to find what is necessary that I believe the Lord would like me to highlight each day.

Luke 1

The Lord gives us what we need for the task He calls us too. In this chapter we see three lives being turned “topsy-turvy” because of the call of God! Mary, Elizabeth and Zacharias are all being challenged with a new call on their lives.

As we begin a new year and you are studying the Word perhaps for the first time you may find the Lord calling you to some new things. We are a people of faith and our lives should reflect faith always. God does not leave it to us to figure it out; He always gives us what we need.

So what do a young unwed mother, and her much older pregnant cousin and cousin-in-law need; God with them always, leading, guiding, protecting and speaking. When Mary agreed to be open to the hand of God, facing the possible rejection, ridicule and even death and when Elizabeth and Zacharias in their later years found they were going to have a baby the Lord gave them what they needed, His continual presence. Mary was over shadowed by the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth, was filled when Mary came to visit and Zacharias once John was born.

God always gives us what we need when we say yes to Him. Think about what it means to be filled with the Spirit of God. If you are, are you allowing Him to lead and guide you in all that you do? If you are not, ask the Lord if it is something that you should be open to?

God only wants the best for us and as we seek Him we will find all that He has for us!
Tomorrow: Luke chapter 2

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