Friday, October 1, 2010

Real relationship changes us.

Luke 19:1 - 29

I know you have heard it said, “You are what you eat!” but did you know you are a reflection of the people you hang out with? Studies have shown over and over again, the happiest people hang out with happy people, like draws like! Our relationships reflect us and also we are changed by our relationships.

Zacchaeus did not have relationships in his life that impacted him for good. He was a thief, cheat, and most likely a liar. He was also a seeker. He was looking for something or someone more in his life. Jesus knew who he was He had no concern about being with so much of a sinner. The people in the community gave Jesus a hard time about going to be with Zacchaeus. We need to be wise with whom we hang out but it is more important that we bring light to dark places. We need to be strong, grounded men and women of God who bring the love and power of God to everyone.

Notice what happen to Zacchaeus. Jesus did not ask him to make restitution nor did He ask him to become generous. Zacchaeus vowed to help the poor and to make four times the restitution. He came into a real relationship with Jesus. He found love, forgiveness, hope, and faith that transformed him from his own man to Jesus man!

Has the Lord transformed your life lately? God’s moving in and through your life will always challenge you. Daily as we walk with the Lord, He will call us to become more like Him. If you have not been changed by the Lord lately please allow me to challenge you to spend more time with Him. We are daily to come into deeper relationship with Him. The deeper the relationship, the happier you will become, because the closer you come to Him the more you will fulfill your destiny.

Real relationship with the Lord changes us into who He has called us to be, who we were made to be. Keep it real!

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