Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do the "good" make it to heaven?

Matthew 19:15 – 19:30

Jesus is talking to a very good guy. This man should be the envy of all of the religious people. He did all of the right things, kept all the rules, and apparently did it with a certain amount of humility. He is most likely someone we would all like. But to really have relationship with God it does not depend upon our goodness we can’t earn or buy our way into heaven we can only love our way into heaven. Making it to heaven is not about what we can do but what Jesus has already done for us.
Often people focus on the statement that Jesus ask the man to sell everything and give it to the poor. I believe that to be the wrong focus. Jesus was about relationship and what He wanted was for the man to have no worldly concerns but to follow Him and have relationship with Him.
The disciples missed the point, they thought, of course the rich and powerful will make it to heaven but now Jesus is telling us that isn’t the truth so who will? Jesus response, “with God all things are possible” in other words, it is only through relationship that any of us will make it to heaven.
When people say someone has made it to heaven because, “they were a good person” they are missing the point. God is our Father and like any good Father all he wants from his children is for them to know He loves them and to have relationship with them. That was Jesus purpose for living, dying, and resurrecting; the Gospel in a nutshell

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