Friday, October 25, 2019

October 25 Thought for the day...getting to the root

Have you ever been hurt by someone? Of course, you have. People are people, and life is life, hurts rejections, wounds, are all part of life. People are hurting, wounded, and rejected themselves, and because of that, they will respond to people in like manner. Knowing this, it is not so much if we will have this happen to us but instead how we react when it does! Here is what the Bible says...

"looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled" Hebrews 12:15

Bitterness is a nasty thing. Some have said arthritis, certain types of dementia, some other physical problems have their root in bitterness. I would never say all people suffering from the things have bitterness, but certainly, some do. Bitterness can begin very subtlely. It can be a slight offense here or there, rather than moving in forgiveness or blessing, we take it to heart. Rather than pushing it away from us, we take ownership of the anger, unforgiveness, and resentment that comes with an offense, and before long, we have a "root of bitterness."

The word used for "root" means something that goes deep, is deeply embedded. As time goes, this "root" can become firmly fixed in our souls. When we see the person who offended us, hear their name mentioned, we feel a pain inside and even can go as far as to hurt the person's reputation or attack their integrity, looking for ways to bring them down. The fruit it produces is sour, vengeful, cynical, sarcastic, and unkind. The "root" can have such a bitter hold inside that it can cause your outward appearance to change, replacing a joyous look with a scowl.

When bitterness takes hold, you will have nothing good to say about the person or situation. Your constant outlook will be negative. Bitterness can poison everything it touches.

So what do you do if you notice this happening in your life? Remember that Jesus had so much more done to Him, and His response was only love and forgiveness. We must keep in mind, bitterness and unforgiveness rarely hurt the people we want to hurt, but it always hurts us and can hurt those closest to us. Always walk in forgiveness, and you will always walk in freedom. Don't "fall short of the grace of God." Allow His grace to overwhelm you so you can learn to forgive and kill the root before it sets in on your soul!

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