Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4 Thought for the day...encourage one another

To all my readers in the US, Happy Independence day! The United States is so named because it was not a nation divided but one united so I thought for today, it would be appropriate to encourage you about our need for each other.

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Hebrews 3:13

The word "exhort" gives the picture of someone who has come closely alongside another person for the sake of speaking to him, consoling him, comforting him, or assisting him with instruction, counsel, or advice. This word is meant to be so helpful; it is translated in many places as "encouragement." A form of this word is what Jesus calls the Holy Spirit as the Comforter (John 14:16)

The word also is in a tense that means to do so continually. We are to not just encourage one another once, but it should be something we always do, it keeps our hearts soft!

The writer is telling us to encourage, comfort, give advice, standing with them on a daily basis. We need to take the time to ask, "How people are doing?" Encourage everyone to know they are appreciated, not just on a one-time, basis but daily (while it is today).

The current condition of our nation is sad, rather than building one another up, we are tearing one another down. Rather than growing through encouragement and unity, we are increasing division. Generally, opinions are as a culture we have a hopeless outlook. The writer of Hebrews is encouraging us to change all of that. You need to be encouraged, and you need to encourage others, daily, continually, regularly. Let's rebuild our unity and let's start with our friends, neighbors, church, and family. From that core, we can rebuild our nation and change our world.

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