We can't help but influence people. As people see us and talk with us, they are impacted and influenced by who we are, what we say, and what we do. Jesus has called us to have an even more significant impact than we can imagine.
And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17,18
What does this mean? A "sign" here means a signature, the way we live our lives and the things we do are to so God's signature on our lives. The power we flow in is to be the "stamp" of God's life on our lives. The things we are supposed to do so that God is with us in a world of unbelief. The specific "signs" in our lives are...
- They will cast out devils.
- They will speak with new tongues.
- They will take up serpents.
- If they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them.
- They will lay hands on the sick, and the sick will recover.
Wow, that is some powerful stuff! I will talk about what each of these means in the next few days of "thoughts."
I do want to talk about "follow," what does Jesus mean when he says, "follow?" The idea here is not of passivity but actively not just following but pursuing, being a true disciple of Jesus. It shows someone tirelessly accompanying someone, sticking by their side in every season and situation, it is a commitment to be in step with the message so as a direct result the signs follow the message we live.
These signs are the verification of the message we live so no matter where we are, we should be sharing the message through words, deeds, or words and deeds and these signs will verify the message.
By now you are asking why don't I see them? The answer is in the next word, "believe!" The tense used for this word means "constantly believing." We should always believe that every time we minister to someone, God will begin to put His signature on what we are doing by showing up with these signs. The number of signs and wonders that follow us is determined by the activation of our faith to believe for them. God wants them flowing through us; we need to believe and allow them to flow. So when you preach and share the Gospel, expect things to happen! When you pray for the sick, expect them to be healed. When you confront someone who is demonized, expect that person to be set free. When you are in a situation that requires the miraculous, expect the miraculous to occur. When you need protection, expect God’s hand of protection to be upon you.
If you haven't seen these things in your life, that's OK. However, having read this, you need to ask the Holy Spirit to rekindle that flame in you to expect God's signature on you as you begin to apply faith to the message you live and share!
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