Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June 27 Thought for the Eeyore mentality

If you are at all familiar with the Winne the Pooh stories, you know the character Eeyore. Nothing is ever good for Eeyore he plans for the worse thing to happen in the best situations. He is always snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Unfortunately, many Christians have this mentality. Paul's life is an example of overcoming this syndrome.

But Paul shook off the snake into the fire and was unharmed. Acts 28:5

Paul had just been shipwrecked. In Paul's missionary journeys, we are told he was shipwrecked three times. On this particular adventure, the ship was destroyed. Rather than being fearful, complaining about how cold the water was going to be, losing everything in the water, being inconvenienced, Paul chose to trust God. By doing so, Paul not only saved his own life but the lives of everyone, including the guards who bound him in chains. When we reach a point in our lives when we really believe God loves us, is always faithful, and is always good, our outlook in life changes. Anything can happen, we can go through the flood or fire and know God is with us and for us. This was Paul's outlook.

Ok, so maybe you would have a had a good outlook about the shipwreck but look at what happened next. First, Paul is a major player in the kingdom, and what do we find him doing? Searching for sticks, gathering sticks for a fire. In the process he picks up sticks with a viper, the Greek word means a very poisonous snake. As he is throwing the sticks in the fire, the snake warms up, comes out of the sticks and the word used for "bit him" (28:3) means to latch on deeply and inject the full dose of venom. What would have been your response? Panic, anger, fear? God is always good, faithful, and loves us. Paul had learned when you trust God first, rather than whining, complaining, or looking for the worst in a situation, God always comes through. Paul's journey on earth was not done, and nothing this world or the devil could do would be able to stop God's plan.

Do you see yourself as a Paul, always expecting God to be faithful in every situation or as an Eeyore looking for something bad to happen even amid the best situation? Paul shook off the snake and people were healed, he shook off the snake and revival happened on the island, he shook off the snake, trusting God and not only were all of his needs met but so were the needs of everyone with him.

What is your attitude, mentality robbing from you? What blessings does God have waiting for you if you will simply believe that God loves you, is always faithful and good? Be aware today of the times you go from faith to Eeyore. Eeyore is a cute teaching character but not someone we want to emulate. Watch what God begins to do for you as you shift your mentality (sometimes on a moment by moment basis!

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