Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11 Thought for the day....the peace you have been looking for

Let's face reality; we live in an age where news is 24/7. People have access to us 24/7. The demands of life are simply 24/7 between work, home, kids, and everything else we could all use a little peace.

"and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Just like that, it is a beautiful promise. When we look deeper, it becomes amazing. When Paul says the "peace of God," that contentment, security, focus, love that comes from God, "surpasses" all understanding. "Surpasses" means it transcends any problem, outshines any difficulty, goes higher than any trouble can reach, it makes every struggle and difficulty look small and doable compared to God's peace.

What does it outshine and transcend? Our "understanding" the ability to reason, to think, to comprehend the world around us. Together this phrase is telling us, no matter how impossible the situation may be and how large it is by our comprehension, God will cause us to outshine and transcend any difficulty with His security and contentment. The way you think is the way your life will be! He doesn't leave it there.

When we begin to grasp this understanding of God's peace, our flesh and the enemy will try to fight us on it. The word "guard" means that God's peace is like a sentry around your heart and mind. It monitors everything that tries to enter your heart and mind and protects you from those things that would do you harm.

Paul is telling us, "the security and contentment of God will outshine any difficulty that we might be able to reason is an overwhelming problem and that same peace from God will protect our heart and mind from anything that might come to rob us everything God has for us."

I hope this is the peace you have been looking for if it is, relax! God has got this for you, must choose to live in it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen!!!!!! God’s peace is like nothing we can even describe, when we are in our darkest moment if we choose to rest in His peace that moment can be bearable. His peace passes all understanding.