Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6 Thought for the day...acting like God

We all have people in our lives who think they are God. Usually when we say something like that we mean someone who thinks of themselves better than others and lords their real or imagined authority over others. We are challenged in the Bible to act like God but in a very positive way.

Ephesians 5:1 "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children."

The word "imitate" means to actually mimic, duplicate, act like God. The idea behind the word usage is that we should study the Bible, pray, and fellowship with strong believers and by doing such, we will know God so well that we can, in every aspect of our lives duplicate His heart, word, action, character, and all that He is. As Christians, the excuse of, "well I'm not God" is not really an option. We are to be so close to Him in our daily walk that everything we do not only reflects Him but is what He would say, do, and how He would react.

We also need to look at the word "therefore." In the placement of the sentence, the Greek word translated here as "therefore" means, be constantly in the process of becoming. In other words, our walk with Christ and our challenge to duplicate the heart and action of our Father is an on-going growth process, it will not happen overnight! Because we are "children" of the Father, we should not just reflect our Father but grow to be a duplicate of Him so people can see Him. It takes time, energy, effort, patience, grace and love to fulfill this encouragement. However, if we have chosen to call ourselves Christ-followers, then we must act, react, and live like Him.

This is one of the most significant missing elements in the world today, people who are actively pursuing a life that so reflects, duplicates, mimics, God that the whole world can easily see Him. This doesn't mean it will make your life easier, the devil hates God, and so do those who are his children. We have been called to reflect our Father and give them the opportunity to be set free!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My daily prayer to God is to let me be a reflection of You so that others can see You through me. You are so right it’s not always easy, especially in those “reaction” times 😳