All of us go through dark times. We feel forsaken, we lose hope. We battle depression, anxiety, or any number of things. What do you do in those times? Paul challenged his young disciple Timothy in the middle of one of these places.
"Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season...." 2 Timothy 4:2
Timothy had been used to change Ephesus very quickly. He shared the Gospel, and the people responded, the church grew. A few years later, Nero came to power. Persecution of Christians became commonplace. Many died in the arena and through torture. This thriving church became a dying church both literally and figuratively. Needless to say, young Timothy found himself, shaken, depressed, and hopelessness was creeping in. You may not have been tortured or seen it happen to friends or family but if you are like most people you have hit difficult places and found yourself battling depression, anxiety, and or hopelessness. What is Paul's response?
"Preach the word! Be ready..." I'm not sure that is what Timothy wanted to hear. I would be hoping for some comfort and encouragement, and that is exactly what Paul did! Paul's words here mean something a little deeper than our English does justice. An accurate translation is "stand your ground," "don't give up and inch," "hold on tight!" God had placed Timothy in his position, and no one could take it from him.
I learned this lesson very well. In my past work experience, I had been fired 6 times for standing for what I believed was the Lord and integrity. I would not compromise what I believed to be correct and was immediately fired. God is always our defense. I never once made it out of the building before I was called back and apologized to and in three of the times, promoted. Walking humbly, keeping our eyes on Him and not compromising our integrity causes the Lord to stand for us, and we stand our ground for Him!
Paul then challenges Timothy with being ready "in season and out." This phrase means whether you are happy or despondent remain faithful. Our emotions, condition, or status should not determine whether we trust the Lord or not. God is always faithful, and we win every time when we remain faithful to Him. What would have happened if Daniel, Joseph, or Abraham would have given up? God's plans never fail. Be faithful and watch His blessings flow! It happened to young Timothy it can happen to you!
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