I have been blessed to participate in numerous healings. I have prayed for people and experienced the "Acts" miracles from blind eyes, deaf ears, a baby that was dead coming to life, cancerous tumors disappearing or falling off of people, HIV being healed basically all kinds of healings, but I am not special, you should be able to be part of it too!
"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17,18
First, it should be obvious, but the meaning of laying hands on the sick means to physically lay your hands on the sick. However, as Christians, we need to be wise and be careful to do this appropriately so as to not make the person we are praying for feel uncomfortable. Jesus placed His hands on the sick.
Who are the sick? The word sick here means without health, to be so weak, worn down as to be critically ill. In Matthew 14:14, Mark 6:5,13, the same word is used to refer to people who were critically sick, they were devastated by illness. Jesus healed each one that came to Him.
In Luke 4:40 we see a different word for sickness. "When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them." This phrase "sick with various diseases" this is talking about a wide range of diseases the word sick refers to virtually anything and the word "diseases" has to do with those who are terminally ill with no cure.
Jesus laid His hands on people, and they were cured. However, we misinterpret things sometimes in our haste. The phrase Jesus uses for "will recover" means just that they will recover, but the implication is not necessarily immediately. PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THIS... Jesus is saying that recovery is promised, but it can come instantaneously or gradually over time. Many feel disappointed if they do not see the healing immediately but Jesus does not promise that here. He promises they will recover steadily and many times gradually but people will indeed recover. This phrase can be translated this way, “…they shall progressively feel themselves getting better and better until finally, they are well and healthy.”
We need to grasp that Jesus does not promise instantaneous healing all of the time. It does happen a lot, but many have left prayer meetings and the altar thinking they are not healed when in fact God is doing the work to bring healing as he promised, but we miss the healing because we drop our belief.
We are called to believe for healing. All that is required for God to use you in this way are three basic criteria: 1) That you have a desire for God to heal through you; 2) That you have hands to lay on sick people, and 3) That your faith is released to activate the power of God to heal. If you can fulfill these three requirements, you’re ready to get into the healing ministry!
Healing the sick is part of your responsibility as a believer. You can't do it alone, but the Holy Spirit is present to pour out His power when you act in Jesus’ name. So rather than look at sick people and feel pity for them, why don’t you pull your hands out of your pockets and go lay them on those sick people, just as Jesus did when He was ministering on the earth?
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