Everyone knows we are in a battle. It is hard to keep positive some days just because of so much negativity. However, to really understand the battle we must recognize it the way Paul challenges us.
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
It is not the people that we see that are really the enemy but instead all the stuff behind the attitudes. The biggest battles we face are in the mind. The enemy knows that if he can control the mind, then everything else will follow. Our attitudes will stink, our outlook will degrade, our hope, love, and trust will be gone. We will be fodder for the enemy to simply destroy. The devil doesn't want people, he hates us, even before coming to Christ we are a reflection of the Father. He hates that!
Even the strongest most mature Christians will have battles. The word Paul uses for "fighting" is the word used in the Greek times that would represent the most vicious types of athletic battle. Paul used this word to portray that they enemy is vicious and he does not fight fair. He does not play by the rules, he has no rules but the good thing for us is that he may fight against us, but we have the power, through Christ to shut him down.
He looks for one small area in our lives to attack. He could be gossip, insecurity, fear, or anything that we may have just a slight problem with. Once he gets a foothold in that area by our submitting to him by gossiping, being fearful, allowing our insecurities to run rampant within a second, we are in major warfare.
How do we win? Repent, fill our minds with God's Word. Allow the love, grace, peace, mercy, and forgiveness of God rule over our hearts. The battle is much more vicious than you may realize and the warfare much more intense, but God will never fail us if we allow Him freedom in our lives to win the warfare for us!
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