Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12 Thought for the day....a way to stop worrying

It seems at every turn there is something to worry about. Increased cost, pressure to meet a deadline, family pressures, you name it, we could worry about it but the Bible tells us something different.
1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."

Peter learned this lesson very well and challenges each of us with it. "Casting" as is interpreted here means to through off of yourself onto a beast of burden or someone who could carry the load much more easily. Peter under the direction of the Holy Spirit is making it clear that we are not designed to carry such heavy loads but the Lord is very willing and strong enough to carry them for us.

The medical profession has verified that most of the diseases and ailments we suffer from are directly related to stress. Our bodies and minds are not designed to carry such loads. The word "care" at its root means anxiety, affliction, difficulty, hardship. It simply means anything that would cause you anxiety regardless of the reason. That pretty much covers everything we face each day. The Holy Spirit is telling us, even if we are the root of the cause we are still to give it to Him and He will handle it!

The phrase "He cares for you" means He is always thinking of you, keeping tabs on what you are going through, very much aware of what is happening and before we realize it if we choose to place it in His hands, He has already taken care of it.

You are important to the Lord! You are valuable to Him and this frustrates the devil to no end. Let Him handle your stuff, even if it is your fault and He will deal with it far better than you could ever imagine!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have learned and still trying to remember this! No matter what we face He is always there, through the good, bad & ugly. If we (I) would just always do this, some days this is easy some not so. Yes I know He's watching me and only wants what's best - but - at times, to be completely honest it doesn't always seem that way! I truly believe He cares for me and I know the struggles we face are nothing compared to what Jesus faced! My joy rests in the Lord, He is my comforter, my defender and my rock with Him I CAN do all things.