Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20 Thought for the do you see yourself?

At any given time if you "google" self-help or look on Amazon you can find thousands of materials to help you be a better you. Proverbs 23:7 tells us the way we think is what we will become. Paul takes it a step further to tell us just how we should see ourselves.

"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37

There are hundreds of things from TV, radio, comments from people at home and in the office, all that want to tear us down. Self-help books only offer limited help and only if you buy into them. If our hope, focus, and trust are in them we will be hurt and belittled every time. Paul stresses that the view we have of ourselves should be through His eyes not others as we are "more than conquerors through Him"!

When Paul says the phrase "more than" he is saying we are; top-notch, superior, the best, greatest, higher, preeminent, first-rate, first-class, uncomparable. Just reading that about yourself ought to make you feel good today.

When you add the word Paul uses for "conquerors", Paul is saying we are a most tremendous force to be reckoned with, we are a superior adversary to anything that would stand in our way, we are the paramount victor in all things!

When we chose to live our life in Christ, this is how we should be defined. Nothing will be impossible for us and every enemy will be overcome. The world needs heroes and they are simply waiting for us to believe God at His word for our lives.

You may struggle with trials, difficulties, hardships but choose to believe who God says you are and recognize you are a victor in all things.

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