Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31 Thought for the day....going through the test

All of us have been tested at some point in our lives. Whether it is a test of our knowledge, understanding, skill, or character, we have all faced some kind of test. What is the value of a test? It generally is to prove something to ourselves or others. Does God test us?

"But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:4

God tests our hearts? Paul is writing here and saying, God indeed tests our hearts! The word test here is like that of testing of metal as the Holy Spirit describes through the prophet Malachi 3:2,3. It is going through the process of the refiner's fire burning off all of the impurities in the metal. But there is a much deeper meaning here than even that!

Under the Holy Spirit's inspiration, Paul is saying this "testing" has an even deeper meaning. In pottery, any design placed on a pot is fragile and easily destroyed until it goes through a firing. Once the heat is applied the design is permanent and nothing can change it. Also if there are impurities found, the firing process will cure those impurities so they will not be a problem. Often to create the most beautiful designs a piece of pottery will need to be fired many times, the most valuable having been fired 15-20 times. Many of the most beautiful colors contain little bits of metals that can not even be seen until the firing takes place.

What does this mean to us? Like the pottery, God is working a design in us but until they design goes through the fire, the testing it will not be permanent. Our impurities are often cured as we go through the testing and often the real "colors" of who we are will not shine until we walk through our testing as well. As God continues to work on us, we may go through many tests, not because we are a problem but because God's plan is really much more beautiful and valuable than we thought.

The verb tense in which the word "test" is used also means a continual action. Our testing is not a problem of our sin, but a moving of God in our lives to make us so much more beautiful and valuable in the Kingdom. Allow the testing to "lock into you", all of God's great plan and purpose for your life.

Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30 Thought for the day...dealing with hate

Seems to me that we through that word around way to easily. We hate this candidate, we hate that team. Hate was never a term that we allowed to be used very often in our household, but according to the Bible, there is a proper use of the term.

Jude 1:23

"but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh."

So when is it OK to hate and what does it mean? The word hate here means a radical, violent aversion; finding something abhorrent, repugnant, or absolutely disgusting. In other words, you have such strong feelings about something that it is nauseating.

Jude is telling us that there are some things that we should hate one of which is a "garment" defiled by the flesh. The word garment here refers to "underwear." It was common practice to change your outer garment for events, and to simply look more presentable but the underwear would be changed less frequently, and while you make look nice on the outside, you and God know the filth that is really under the garments.

The word "defile" has to do with "permeate." Here is what Jude is saying and implying. We may look good on the outside, but if we don't find sin absolutely disgusting and have a violent aversion to it, like stinking underwear it will eventually permeate everything, whether we want it to, or even notice it, everything around us will be impacted.

We are to love God with everything that is within us, but we must also choose to not allow sin to have any place in our lives even coming to the realization that we are to absolutely hate it. We are not to allow it to have any place in our lives or we may not notice it, but others around us will certainly know we stink. So don't stink...hate sin:)

Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27 Thought for the day....changing your environment

Before we came to Christ, we were all surrounded by some kind of environment. It could have been fear of tomorrow. It could have been anger. It probably was selfishness to some extent. To go back into to any of those environments would be detrimental to our health and spirit. Environment affects us. Let me give you a very practical example if you have just stopped smoking, revisiting places where you would often smoke, or being around smokers, will trigger the need to surrender to your environment. It is the same with fear, anger, selfishness and all of the things that kept us in bondage.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us" Hebrews 12:1

In this scripture, we are challenged to think about our environment, here is what I mean.  When we come to Christ our environment has been changed. We have gone from an environment of fear, anger, selfishness, doubt, sin to an environment of faith. We are now in the environment of a great multitude of men and women who have shown us the way to overcome in every situation. We have a hall of heroes of faith that are now our challenge to live up to. Our environment is charged with people whose lives show us their failures and their overcoming faith. How can we live there?

The writer answers that question by saying, "lay aside every weight that so easily ensnares us". The idea presented from the Greek is this. The first part of the phrase is saying, something that feels very comfortable, a former environment of sin or mediocrity. The second part is the idea of being surrounded (in that environment). To put it together the meaning is, don't allow something that you have been comfortable in, surround you. The last part is to "bind" or "imprison you".

We have been made new in Christ, the old is passed away. It is comfortable to go back to those places where we were formerly limited or that held us in bondage. Instead, we are to remember that we are now among those witnesses, those great men and women, who changed the world and as we walk in that environment, we are now free and we too will change our world.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26 Thought for the day....a battle may be a good thing

Have you ever been in the Word, received an excellent encouragement for you for that day or heard a sermon or prophecy that you knew was just for you? Then almost immediately after, "Wham" you get hit by something unexpected that was meant to steal your joy and hope? It happens to all of us at one time or another. The writer of Hebrews has a word of encouragement for such an occasion.

"But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings" Hebrews 10:32

The most significant fear we create in the enemy is when we begin to move in faith and begin to believe God. Think about it if the Holy Spirit is apparently giving you a "word" that you need to respond to by faith, that means God has just released an order that is going to destroy more of the enemies stronghold.

The word, "great" here simply means significant. When God reveals something to us the enemy doesn't just fool around, he is going to engage you in a significant battle to try to discourage and rob the "word" of God from your heart.

The word "struggle" is the word used to describe a great athlete. In other words, the writer is saying when God gives you a "word" you are going to feel like you are in the battle of your life, competing with everything you have to win!

The word interpreted "suffering" literally means "mental pressure," "a battle for the mind." This is not about mental illness but instead a battle for your thoughts, the way you think about God, yourself, and your circumstances.

The writer is giving us a "heads up." Don't be afraid, frustrated, or upset about attacks that come once you have been given a fresh "word" from the Lord. Know that God has spoken and you are now someone the enemy really fears and will try to play games to stop you, a person God has entrusted with revelation, for destroying any of his territories.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January 25 Thought for the day....being free

There are so many things that want to control us, from marketing companies demanding we purchase their stuff, to media that wants to control the way we think. It is easy to find ourselves being controlled by so many things. God has called us to freedom. How do we know the things of life are limiting our freedom?

"No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier." 2 Timothy 2:4

The word "entangles" is the picture of things woven that can't be easily separated,  the idea of a runner whose legs get caught in their clothing, or someone who is so entangled in something they can't get loose. Paul is saying as warriors in this world system, we need to make sure we are not trapped by anything that is going to hold us back, from fulfilling God's destiny for us.

There is nothing wrong with owning nice things. There is nothing wrong with being part of social media or enjoying media in general, but as a soldier in the Kingdom, we have to be aware if any of these things are controlling us or we are controlling them.

How do we know if we are entangled or not? If God asked you to give them away or give them up, would you? If God asked you to walk away from social media or if you find media in general, affecting your mood and robbing your joy and quality of life then you are entangled. If God asks you to give away anything that you own and you are not willing, then you are entangled. It doesn't end there, but we need to be aware of anything that is controlling us that is not the Holy Spirit.

If you stay free from entanglement, then you are free to allow the Lord to entrust you with more than you could imagine in time, talent, and treasure! In other words, living in freedom!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 24 Thought for the day...bringing hope!

So many questions today, so much anger in the world so many hurting and without hope. What is a Christ-follower supposed to do to change their world?  Peter gives us a bit of wisdom about this subject.

"Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it." 1 Peter 3:15

We are the true deliverers of hope to a hopeless world. The phrase translated here "always be ready" really means -  be prepared, be eager, anticipate people wanting to ask. In our world, it generally is not until a person is in enough pain that they change. It is not until they are fed up with life as they know it, that they are willing to seek a different way of living and looking at life. Apart from Christ, most people will come to a very broken, wounded, hopeless place, "craving", the root understanding of the word "asks", for what you have in you.

Peter's challenge to us is that we would understand our hope, our joy, our relationship with the Lord so well, that at any moment, we could explain it. The word used here as "explain" means to have a ready defense prepared, to always know what to say, to have prepared statements about why and what you believe. If your life is full of the life Jesus promised it should be an easy task.

Peter is preparing us so that as the Lord is always working on the hearts of people, they should see by your life a difference that they crave. As they see this difference, they will be drawn to ask you about it. As Christ-followers we should always be ready, prepared, schooled, in an understanding of how to share about our faith, to bring hope to others.

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23 Thought for the day....becoming wealthy

Stop at any gas station or convenience store, there is always someone purchasing lottery tickets for that chance to become rich. Numerous friends have bought homes to "flip" them to make a quick buck. More of us work hard and try to invest wisely so that we can at least not have financial worries. Many have a dream of becoming wealthy, but if you are a follower of Christ, you are already rich.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."  Colossians 3:16

The word Paul uses for "richly" means incredible abundance, extreme wealth, enormous affluence, great prosperity, and immense riches. Paul is saying as a Christ follower, surrendering to Him on a daily basis will not only give you what you need but also bless you in the most immense, extreme, incredible, ways.

You will not walk foolishly, but instead with wisdom, understanding the times and seasons, walking in joy, grace, freedom and always looking forward to what God is going to do next.

You see, selling out to Christ can bless us financially. The Holy Spirit will give us wisdom and creativity that can help create real wealth. The fantastic wealth that we can have as Christ followers is an abundance of peace, joy, health, strength, freedom from guilt and shame, wisdom, grace, and an overwhelming sense of love.

We are called to freedom. Rather than choosing wealth, choose Christ and allow Him to bring you all kinds of wealth beyond measure. Stop living below Christ's call on your life. Choose Him, and you will be choosing freedom, wealth and success.

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20 Thought for the day....how do you see yourself?

At any given time if you "google" self-help or look on Amazon you can find thousands of materials to help you be a better you. Proverbs 23:7 tells us the way we think is what we will become. Paul takes it a step further to tell us just how we should see ourselves.

"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37

There are hundreds of things from TV, radio, comments from people at home and in the office, all that want to tear us down. Self-help books only offer limited help and only if you buy into them. If our hope, focus, and trust are in them we will be hurt and belittled every time. Paul stresses that the view we have of ourselves should be through His eyes not others as we are "more than conquerors through Him"!

When Paul says the phrase "more than" he is saying we are; top-notch, superior, the best, greatest, higher, preeminent, first-rate, first-class, uncomparable. Just reading that about yourself ought to make you feel good today.

When you add the word Paul uses for "conquerors", Paul is saying we are a most tremendous force to be reckoned with, we are a superior adversary to anything that would stand in our way, we are the paramount victor in all things!

When we chose to live our life in Christ, this is how we should be defined. Nothing will be impossible for us and every enemy will be overcome. The world needs heroes and they are simply waiting for us to believe God at His word for our lives.

You may struggle with trials, difficulties, hardships but choose to believe who God says you are and recognize you are a victor in all things.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19 thought for the day....what has value?

Have you every wondered, "am I doing anything of any value?" If you want to know let God test it! Paul said that God will do just that.

"Each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done."  1 Corinthians 3:13

We talked about how sometimes things just go wrong. We work and work, and "wham" something hits the fan, and everything is all out there. Paul is saying that is not always a bad thing. I tend to do some of my best work in crisis mode, and as Pastor Mike will tell you sometimes just to shake things up, I may help to create one just for the excitement of shaking off the dust and getting things fresh.

Paul is saying God does that in our lives sometimes. The word "manifest" means that God will reveal the quality and the importance of someone's work. God will do it at times by fire. The idea of this phrase is that God will walk us through some trial, some awkward situation just to prove to us and everyone around us the value of what we are doing.

So the next time everything is hitting the fan, don't panic, allow God to show you that what you are doing will stand test and trial. Let God show you that what you are doing has real value and you are doing it for the right reasons.

Don't curse the trial or feel you have failed because it happened. Your life belongs to God, let him shake off the stuff that doesn't belong and show you the stuff He has called you to that leads to touching more lives, more significance, and your blessing! You may find hidden gems like love, joy, loyalty, friendship, encouragement and so much more, as a result of the work when you thought the work itself was the thing of value.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18 Thought for the day....when you think it is the end

Have you ever found yourself to be at a dead end? A time when you felt you had nothing left to offer? A time when you don't know what to say or your don't know where to turn? You are not alone. Most of us have been there at one time or another, the Apostle Paul included.

"In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead." 2 Corinthians 1:9

Paul had found himself in a position where he was so burned out, so without hope that he was expected to not make it. He had gone through so much heartache and struggle that he felt he couldn't take another minute of it. When you fail at the task. When you see your kids get into some terrible trouble. When there is a death or divorce and it just tears you apart inside. There are so many other difficult, heart-wrenching, situations, so much so that it feels like you might just die or might as well die. There is hope!

Paul recognized that at the end of his rope, there was God. When he came to the end of anything he could do, he found God was always there. Too often our heart-wrenching, life tragedy is amplified because we have not invited God into the situation. Paul is saying because God loves so much, he will allow us to go our own way or go down the dark road but at the end of ourselves, he will be there.

The God who has the power to do the impossible is on our side. If we have nowhere to turn, He will show us where to go. If we have hit a dead end, He will make a way of escape. If we feel we have nothing left to offer, He will supply all that we need!

Paul is challenging us to really get to know and understand God's great love for us. We may at times feel abandoned but it is a lie, He is always there, providing what we need to succeed!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17 Thought for the day....some times things happen

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you knew you were doing the right thing but everything just fell apart? Perhaps, you felt God was calling you to something but no matter what you did, nothing worked. Paul had a similar problem...

1 Thessalonians 2:18 "Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us."

Paul knew what he had planned to do was right and godly yet for this moment, he was "hindered". The word Paul uses for hindered has two meanings. The first means like a road that his been made impassable, it is potholed and rutted. I've been on roads like that in China your choice is, get stuck or turn around and go back. Paul's first meaning is simply this, sometimes we can get hindered to where we reach an impasse and have to turn around and look for another route.

His second meaning is like that of two racers, each running with all of their might but one wanting to win. Regardless of the ethics, one elbows the other causing him to stumble and lose. I am sure that you have seen this happen, not just in running events but in many sporting events where cheating takes place.

In both of these situations, frustration can arise, anger, fear, and/or hopelessness can take over. Paul shares this with us so that we don't allow those things to overwhelm us. God is in control and while the enemy may seem like he gets a victory, it will never happen. God always makes a way. Job tells us in 42:2 that God's purpose will not be stopped.

Things happen but our hope and trust are not in things, but in God. He always makes the impossible possible.

Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13 Thought for the day....following the lead

Have you ever been confused about what to do? Everyday we are faced with hundreds of decisions from what to eat for lunch to, for whom should we vote. Some decisions are easy to know whether it was wise of not, food that is not good lets you know pretty quickly, others, like investment choices may take longer. Is there a way to feel more secure in our decisions?

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14

The Greek word order here is really “For as many as by the Spirit are being led, they are the sons of God.” This put the Spirit at the head and we are the followers.

The word "led" in the Greek has the meaning of an animal being guided by a leash or yoked. Its root is also the same word that is the root of the word "agony". What the Holy Spirit is saying here, through Paul, is that if we are willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit, it will not be easy at first. Our flesh will fight and it will hurt, but the end result is you will know what to do, how to react, and be guided each step of the way.

What causes poor decisions, confusion, misunderstanding, is our flesh getting in the way, our fear, prejudice, pride and all those flesh driven things. When we allow our flesh to be yoked to the Holy Spirit and we allow Him to lead us, it comes under control of the Holy Spirit.

As we submit to the leading and the guiding of the Holy Spirit. God leads us in His perfect will. We then are living out the fullness of His life in us, like any natural son or daughter, we reflect our Father and prove to be sons or daughters of God! Our decisions are now much easier because we are living and walking as sons and daughters of God!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12 Thought for the day....being a receptacle of power

Today some of us are going through some stuff, tomorrow others will be going through some stuff. There will always be times where we need strength. If today is a day you need some strength then hear what The Holy Spirit has to say through Paul in Ephesians 6:10

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

Some of you have heard this recently. Here is the breakdown of what Paul is saying with his choice of words. The word Paul uses that we translate "strong" means explosive strength, power, or ability. It goes beyond just explosive power, but it suggested that power is deposited into a vessel or container. The nature of the word Paul uses means there must be some type of receiver for this power.

Paul is saying we are to be that receiver. We are specially designed to be the receptacles of divine power. So when Paul is saying, "be strong in the Lord," he is saying God wants to give you all the power you need, we are designed by Him to be receivers of this power, and He desires to give you this power.

The stuff in this world, the attacks of the enemy, and so many other things that are completely against the cause of Christ will not be able to overcome us. Paul is encouraging us whenever we need it or want it, we can be receptacles of His power to overcome anything that comes our way!

Hopefully, this will turn around your day and any difficulty you may be facing. His power is waiting for you, and you were created to be filled with His power!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11 Thought for the day...God's will for our lives

When people ask me to pray for them it generally is one of several categories; healing, relationships, finances, the salvation of loved ones, but by far the biggest need is God's will concerning, their life, some situation, future, or something like that. The Lord gives us insight into finding His will in Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church 2:9,10

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.

Paul is quoting Isaiah in verse 9 when Isaiah was frustrated and downhearted about not being able to hear and understand God's will. Before Christ resurrection and ascension, only a very few people, kings and prophets, were granted understanding of the deep things of God through the Holy Spirit. The common man had little hope of hearing and fully understanding God's will for them unless they sought out a prophet. Hearing from God for the average  "Joe" was nearly impossible.

Paul uses this quote to make something very clear for Christ-followers filled with the Spirit. He is saying, "Yes in days gone by it would be nearly impossible to understand the great and awesome plan God has for each individual, but now something is different." The word Paul uses for revealed here means, "to take away or tear down a veil". Paul is saying, now that you have the Holy Spirit living in you, the veil that hid the will of God for your life, for your family, community, nation, can be made clear. You have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you so it is His pleasure to lead and guide you.

The problem today is most Christians are choosing to live like they are still behind the veil. The Lord is saying, I have given you the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and reveal all the great things I have for you. Choose to begin to believe it, apply it and live it. We have been called from darkness into His marvelous light!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 10 Thought for the day...getting along with difficult people

Do you have someone in your life that rubs you the wrong way? Someone with whom you just can't get along? I think we all do, the problem is, that at times, the problem is not really them it is us or our perception of them. God brings people into our lives for so many reasons and in many cases they are there for our benefit whether we appreciate it or not. God can work all things for our good. Paul writes this to a church trapped with pagan, anti-Christian forces all around them.

"If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:18

We all have people in our lives that are difficult to get along with and if truth be told we all have people in our lives that find us difficult to get along with. God does not give us a pass to simply ignore those people. Paul is writing here that "if possible" means "while potentially difficult it is still doable".  Many people around the church wanted to see them gone or at worst dead.

Our peace is not generated by us but instead by God. His challenge is live peaceably because He has given you peace, part of the fruit of the Spirit is peace. Paul's challenge is therefore being that you possess God's peace in your life do your best to maintain that peace in all your relationships.

Paul's phrase "all men" is literally everyone regardless of economics, politics, race, heritage, religion, background, or culture, be at peace with everyone, no-one is excluded. Jesus expects us to give our best effort to be at peace with everyone.

What does that look like? If someone absolutely drives you crazy and the relationship can not be reconciled, stay away from the person to keep the peace. Sometimes the best things we can do is get out of God's way and allow Him to work. If we keep fighting then neither of us are at peace. If you can be reconciled that don't give up so easily, especially if they are a brother or sister in the Lord we need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and in them to come to a place of peace. If we have to continue to be around someone that we can not be at peace with, then limit your time with them, keep your peace when you are with them, always praying for God's peace to come for both of you.

You are the one who is required by the Lord, as a Christian to be at peace as much as it applies to you. Don't give up on people easily, keep loving and do your best to keep you eyes on Jesus not them and at best you may win a friend at worse you may come to a healthy detente with someone who is completely different than you. He is your peace. Don't allow it to get stolen from you. You have the power regardless of the situation to be at peace.

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6 Thought for the day...overcoming broken relationships

The holidays are wonderful times of celebration with friends and family. For some, they can also be a trial because we are face to face with loss, past hurts, and broken relationships. Young Timothy had entrusted his life, love, teaching, and intimacy into a group of people only to have them at a difficult point of the ministry walk away. Anyone who has spent any time in ministry has felt this pain. Like a death, broken or abandoned friendship Paul encourages Timothy to push forward.

"And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."  2 Timothy 2:2

Timothy was hurting and broken over broken trust and loss. You may have gone through the same thing last year and the holidays only highlit the hurt. Paul says to Timothy "commit", the idea behind his use of this word is, be devout, tenacious, intentional about coming along side of someone, to stand firm with someone and not let go. Paul is saying I know you have been hurt but you need to stand again and go back into relationships even if you get hurt again. Our faith is about relationships and we must not allow the failure of one group to hinder what God wants to do through and in you.

The word "faithful" is important because of the implication about those who left Timothy. Paul is saying the last group may have been bright, strong, gifted but they lacked the strongest characteristic of being a Christ-follower, faithfulness. Growing in faith is very easy it only requires two things faithfulness and consistency.

Paul's command was to find faithful men. Timothy would have now found this an easier task, all of the unfaithful had left him, there was nothing hidden. I would like you to consider if you have broken relationships that are continuing to drag you down, let them go and build strong relationships with the people in your life that remain! They are still with you. If it is a loss due to death, close your eyes and remember the good, they are with Jesus. They too would want you to build new strong relationships to help you fulfill your destiny. God has chosen to have you here for a purpose.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 5 Thought for the day....handling money

Many of us will make a plan to do better with our money this year. Maybe it is getting out of debt. Perhaps saving for retirement or our children's future. The problem is that most of us are battling debt or "got to have it now" syndrome.  God's plan is for each of us to be debt free and financial blessing in our lives. The amount of blessing is directly related to our faithfulness and trust in Him. Here are Jesus' words in Luke 16:11.

"Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?" 

The Greek word used for "unrighteous" means, "common or of this world". "Mammon" is translated as our wealth, work, investments, money, land, the things of this world.  

Jesus is saying here that faithful (trustworthy, conscientious, and responsible), handling of the stuff of this world is a prerequisite to being entrusted with the critical stuff of God! God is a loving, caring Father, and He will supply what you need, but he has such a greater plan for our lives than just meeting our needs.

Our heavenly Father wants to entrust us with the things to change the world. He intends to open the doors for all of the greatness He has planned for us to occur. His plans for us, are for a great future however so many live below their potential and future because there is a determined lack of trust in the Lord. 

Don't allow money and stuff to be your God, choose God to be your God. Bring your spending under control, increase your giving, and stop working for debt. Start making a life, not just a living. Choose this year to bring your financial health under His control and watch how your life improves, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically,

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 4 Thought for the day...be disciplined, to fulfill your destiny

It takes time to develop new habits and eliminate old ones. You may have committed to working out, eating right, reading your Bible every day, spending more time in prayer, whatever the changes you want to make are, they will not be easy. The writer of Hebrews told us so Chapter 12 verse 11 says...

"No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it's painful! But afterward, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way."

The Greek word the writer uses for discipline is the idea of transforming an undisciplined child into one that is disciplined in all areas. The word used for discipline while certainly has to do with spiritual discipline is not limited to just spiritual it can refer to financial, physical, mental and all forms of discipline. The writer is saying "at this moment in time" it is not enjoyable to be transformed from where I am to where I need to be, in fact, it is a tough task, it causes me agony (painful in the Greek).

The writer is saying, "anytime I need to begin to change to become more of who God wants me to be and bring my flesh under subjection to Christ, it will cause me agony". It is not easy to change, but if you are willing, the promise is, you become more Christ-like, more the destiny that has been planned for you, and you feel more like who you were meant to be. This will bring you into a real place of peace and contentment in all things.

Sometimes when God is calling us to change, it might not seem very spiritual but is necessary to our becoming all the Lord has ordained for us to be. Perhaps the resolution or revolution you have underway in your life is bigger than losing weight, learning something new, eating right, getting into the Word and prayer. It has a broader role to play in God's big picture for you. Deal with the pain of change, knowing your destiny is coming! 

Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2 Thought for the day.....pressing on

Yesterday we started out the New Year with talking about letting go but there is a bit more to this verse that we need to grab onto, to understand what Paul means here...

Philippians 3:13

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead"

When Paul is talking about "reaching forward" it is not just a gentle stretch. The emphasis is like an Olympic runner straining with every bit of strength to cross the finish line with victory. It is the idea of 100% commitment to winning the prize. Paul's sense is that the determination is greater than anyone else, others may be in the same race but we are to push past, run harder, and stronger because we have such a determined desire for the goal.

The prize only goes to those who are most determined and have pushed the hardest. When you look at the resolutions you are making or the revolution you want to begin in your life, forgetting the past is key to not allowing it to control you but more importantly you have to want to fulfill the destiny, the dreams, and goals you and God have set for you.

The world system wants to place every kind of negative thought, every kind of limitation. The world wants to bring the "Eeyores" into you life to always focus on the trouble and impossibilities. God challenges us, through Paul, that we need to be more determined than the world. We have to want to accomplish our destiny, dreams, goals more than we are willing to listen to the nay-sayers.

Push forward this year! Win the race!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

January 1 Thought for the day....letting go and reaching forward

Happy New Year!

This is a new day and a new year. Don't you dare waste another moment of what the Lord has given you in regret! Paul tells us to not go there at all!  Philippians 3:13

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead"

This is a great verse to meditate on as we start the new year. What are you carrying in the form of regrets, sorrow, failure, or other such things into this new year?

The word Paul uses for "forgetting" means to turn completely away, to put something aside, to totally and completely disregard. His word for "behind" means things that are completely obsolete that they have no possible usefulness. It is the same word that Jesus used when rebuking the devil, "get behind me Satan" Matthew 16:23.

Some of the regrets you face may not be just mere memories but could be the enemy trying to hassle, harass, and torment you over past failures. When you have reconciled to God, asked for forgiveness, and/or have been fighting temptation, the enemy has no right to harass you. You need to make the decision to force the "forgetting" by standing on God's Word. It is time to remind the enemy that those things are in the past and you have been forgiven. They are under the blood of Christ and are no longer applicable to any area of your life.

The enemy wants to hold you to your past but God wants you reaching forward. Choose to believe that His blood and power are more than enough for you. Those sins, regrets, sorrows have no place in your life. God has so much more ahead of you, you can't fully comprehend the greatness of His plan but that is what you stifle when you choose to live the regrets, sins and sorrow. So don't do it! Reach forward!