Each of us make hundreds, if not thousands of decisions everyday.
Some are minuscule, "I'll wear these socks rather than those", others can be life changing, "I can make it though that yellow light". God's word gives us the wisdom, insight, and most importantly an understanding of the heart, and character of God. It is this understanding that will enable us to have the "mind of Christ" (Philippians 2:4 - 5a - "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,") Having this mind enables us to make decisions that will bring great success, joy, and fruitfulness in our lives and keep us from frustration and heart ache!
Take time to read at least a verse or two every day and watch your life change, one decision at a time.
If you are an artist of any kind allow me to recommend reading the Psalms and the book of John. If you are a business person, I recommend Proverbs and James. If you are just like most of us allow me to recommend, Genesis, Judges, and Luke. If you simply need a quick read of the Gospels I recommend, Mark.
The Bible was written by so many different personalities but one Spirit led and guided every word. The above list are simply places to start. To understand fully how much God loves you and His plan for you and this world please take time to read the entire Bible. It will open up a world of wonder and possibilities as the Lord reveals to you more of who He is and how much He loves you!
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