Luke 11 Part 2 Real verses the Unreal
Last week we
learned how to pray, how to gain the power we need to be overcomers. This week
we see Jesus dealing with the enemies of true faith the demonic and the
legalist some times they are one in the same.
He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone
out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled. 15But some of
them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”
testing Him, sought from Him a sign from heaven. 17But He,
knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is
brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. 18If
Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you
say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. 19And if I cast out demons by
Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be
your judges. 20But if I cast out demons with the finger of God,
surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21When a strong man,
fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. 22But
when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all
his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils. 23He who is
not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.
Two groups
of people looking to accuse Jesus. Did you ever notice there are always people
around looking to tear down things even under the guise of “righteousness”?
They believe their faith to be real but by gossiping, being critical and
Jesus had
just shown a sign of his power and that the Holy Spirit and the Father are with
Him. Immediately those performed the unforgivable sin (that is if they did it
knowingly) they claimed the thing of God was Satan. “He cast out demons by the
Lord of demons!”
Even after
He did this “sign” of God’s power through Him, some asked for a sign.
Jesus answers both of these questions in one.
If I am casting out demons by demons
aren’t your sons doing the same things???
How long will a kingdom, army, a
household last if it is divided. Two visions in a house bring division. What would happen to an army if a general
began shooting his own soldiers?
If you are seeing the Power of God in
what I am doing then you are seeing the Kingdom established (the only sign you
need) in front of you.
Practical note here: If there are two visions in your
home, at work, in this church there is not unity and nothing will get done and
destruction will come in the form of divorce, a business collapse or a church
The psalmist
wrote that God’s blessing is only commanded and poured out on unity (not
uniformity) but unity; Psalm 133: 1-3. We do not all have to agree on every
little thing or every way of doing things we just have to agree on where we are
Our Vision Statement
We will be a training ground for the believers in
Jesus, and those who are not yet believers but are attending the Center, to
become all that they can be to change their world
- every person will know the Lord and be known by
- every person will understand their calling,
value, and purpose
- every person will function in their calling,
both in the church and outside of the church so as to serve the whole Body of
- we will use tried and true methods as well as
technology, innovation, and the best means possible to accomplish this task.
Basis of this belief is found in Ephesians 4:
There have
been many interpretations about this “strong man” part of this chapter but
taken in context here is what it means.
The strong
man here is Satan, his goods are those bound in his kingdom. The stronger man
is Jesus he comes and overcomes the strong man and takes his spoil those who
were bound by Satan. It is He who overcomes the strong man not us. We raise up
in pride of our power to overcome Satan we will fall every time but as long as
we recognize greater is He who is in me, IT IS HE in me!!!
There is no
neutrality in this world you are either a possession of the strong man (Satan)
or a possession of the stronger man Jesus. You either recognize you are bought
with a price and are part of the Kingdom or your are not there are no gray
areas in eternity.
The enemy will be defeated every time that we
stand against him, as a child of God, not in our own strength but on His!
an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest;
and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25And
when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. 26Then he
goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself,
and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse
than the first.”
How does
this happen? What is Jesus saying here about demonic power is it useless to see
people get set free?
Do you believe in
demons? Jesus does! In fact demons
believe in Jesus (James 2:19)
Demonization begins by our agreement
with them
No demon has more control than what we
give them
If we leave open a door then the enemy
has a right to come back through that door
The door to the demonic or the Godly is
through our flesh (don’t just run with this make sure you listen to my
it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd
raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You,
and the breasts which nursed You!”
He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and
keep it!”
- It is not about heritage.
- It doesn’t matter if you were born a Jew, or
born in a Christian home
- It doesn’t matter if you have a priest or a
pastor in your family
- it is about your relationship with Jesus that
makes the difference
while the crowds were thickly gathered together, He began to say, “This is an
evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the
sign of Jonah the prophet. 30For as Jonah became a sign
to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this generation. 31The
queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation
and condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here. 32The men
of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it,
for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is
- There is
nothing in Jonah that mentions he told them the story of his being in the big
- The only
sign they were given was Jonah preaching to them about destruction was coming
if they did not repent
- Anyone who
had been around Jesus or heard the stories would have seen or heard about the
dead being raised, the hungry being fed, the lame walking and all of the other
“signs” Just like the rich man who said to Abraham send someone back from the
dead so my family will believe.
There is created in each man and woman a belief in
what is right and wrong and when the Holy Spirit empowers words that is all
that they need if they will not be convinced by words powered by the Holy
Spirit a “sign” will not change them
one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a
basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light. 34The
lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body
also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full
of darkness. 35Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is
not darkness. 36If then your whole body is full of light,
having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as
when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light.”
Light is a
guiding force. Your eye is
naturally drawn to light. Light shatters darkness and darkness is the absence
of light that is why Jesus calls us the light. The unreal world tries to
make darkness seem enticing which it can be for a season but it quickly becomes
a trap.
Lying seems
like a good idea to get you out of some immediate trouble but trying to keep up
the lies is exhausting and can trap you into more lies
Blowing up
in anger may intimidate someone to get them off of your back but it does not
resolve the conflict or build better relationships.
These are
things that seem real but are not the real life solving things
If your eyes
are on the prize, the right things, full of love and hope then you will be full
of love and hope and you will get through whatever the difficulty is and the
darkness will be over come you will stay in the real life giving world
If you allow the darkness to give you a quick fix
it will only push you into more darkness.
But the deepest darkness can not overwhelm the
light of His love for us and through us.
If your eye
is on the light you will naturally do things that are full of light you will
step away from the darkness and into His marvelous light. Just like what I
talked about earlier with the demonic you make a choice to allow the light to
flood you you to allow the darkness to overwhelm you
as He spoke, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. So He went in and
sat down to eat. 38When the Pharisee saw it, he marveled that
He had not first washed before dinner.
the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish
clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness. 40Foolish
ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41But
rather give alms of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean
to you.
woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and
pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without
leaving the others undone. 43Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the
best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. 44Woe
to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are
not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them.”
skipped a ritual that that every good Rabbi would do a ritual washing to make a
point. The Pharisee was saying Jesus look this is what we do to make our selves
clean and Jesus said listen washing
your hands, looking pretty, looking righteous does not make you clean your
“cleanliness” will be shown by what you do.
- Give generously
- Act with Justice
- Pour out love
Micah 6:8
one of the lawyers answered and said to Him, “Teacher, by saying these things
You reproach us also.”
He said, “Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens hard to bear,
and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers. 47Woe
to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. 48In
fact, you bear witness that you approve the deeds of your fathers; for they
indeed killed them, and you build their tombs. 49Therefore the
wisdom of God also said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of
them they will kill and persecute,’ 50that the blood of all the
prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of
this generation, 51from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah
who perished between the altar and the temple. Yes, I say to you, it shall be
required of this generation.
to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter
in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”
53 And as He said these things to
them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and
to cross-examine Him about many things, 54lying in wait for Him, and
seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him.
Jesus is clarifying
to those who deemed themselves righteous showing their lack of true
righteousness. Taking them from the unreal to what is real
1) The
law or the burden was not the problem here but the fact that they would not
help the people to walk in the fullness of God’s grace and mercy recognizing
their need for relationship.
Building the tombs refers to holding up
monuments about the prophets rather than heeding what the
prophets said. They took pride in the fact that they had these prophets
but weren’t concerned about living lives of whole hearted commitment to the
love of God in a way that would cause them to stand and be “different” to be an
example to the nations so that they might know who God is. That is what the
prophets did. The lawyers are too much like the rest of the world so the blood
of the prophets is on their hands
Rather than pressing into God for
themselves they have lived on the wisdom of others or the wisdom of the world
and rather than speaking the truth that would set men and women free because they limited their relationship
with the Lord they hindered others from coming to the full knowledge of God.
Here is Jesus challenge about the unreal verses the real
1) Demons
are real but they only have the power we give them by our submitting to them or
giving them an open door through our flesh
2) The
enemy is strong and can intimidate but Christ is stronger through us if we
submit to Him
3) Settling
for a “quick fix” in our lives may solve a problem for a moment but
surrendering completely to God may cause pain for a moment by joy and freedom
for a life time
4) Some
people will settle for looking good and
faking god as a show on the outside but the reality of our true relationship
with Christ is shown from the inside out
5) Religion
is nothing and a form of godliness is empty press into God to be blessed with
wholeness, fullness and fulfillment of every dream
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