I don’t know if you have ever heard the phrase before but that happens to me sometimes. I am doing my best to pastor the body at the Christian Center, do my job at Cornerstone TeleVision, work on the addition at my house for my Mom to move in, and prepare my Mom to empty her house and move. Somewhere in there I need to find time to talk with my wife and kids, eat, and sleep. Don’t get me wrong, while this is a very chaotic time, it is fun too. God seems to send the right people to help at the right time. We get encouragement when we need it and everything comes together.
The demands of the immediate often will take over the necessary, which is where we can get into trouble. What do I mean by that? Let me explain it this way, Martin Luther, the protestant reformer said, “I have so much to do I need to spend twice as much time in prayer.”
There are all kinds of things that need to be done. Always there are demands, things that scream out, “pay attention to me!” We can not allow those things to determine our day, our attitude, nor our reactions. We must maintain our priorities if we are going to lead a successful life not allowing the demands of the immediate to take over what is necessary.
Jesus put it this way as recorded by Matthew in chapter 6 verse 33, 34;
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Every day there are going to be things that seem like they are a higher priority but we must remember, we get all that we have need of from time with Him. Always keeping Him first, despite the busy-ness, will order our day and keep us in the fruit of the Spirit. Sometimes I need to seek Him many times a day to keep my head above water. I believe that is what Martin Luther meant.
There will always be people and things demanding your time. If we do not keep our priorities straight then we will be offering them only our best rather than God’s best. Don’t allow the demands of the immediate to override the need of the necessary. Seek Him first, always and He will guide you as to how to handle all of the rest.
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