Once we understand salvation we need to grasp heaven and hell. Each of us will spend eternity in one of these two places based on our relationship with Jesus.
A few things we need to understand about eternity
1 We have only one life in which to determine our destiny (Hebrews 9:27).
2 We will exist eternally either in heaven or hell (Daniel 12:2,3; Matthew 25:46;John 5:28; Revelation 20:14,15
3 Heaven or hell is determined by whether a person believes (puts their trust) in Christ alone to save them (John 3:16, 36).
So if we are going to spend eternity in either heaven or hell, what are they like?
Islam - Heaven is paradise only those whom Allah has chosen will go there, every man has virgins waiting on him not much there for women.
Hindu/Buddhist - Heaven ultimate enlightenment absence of all desire and place of eternal nothingness
Mormon – heaven, three heavens One for Mormons , true believers, Two others lower depending upon your good works on this earth.
Jehovah’s Witness - Heaven is pretty much like we describe it but only 144,000 go there the rest will remain on earth in a renewed Garden of Eden
What does the Bible say?
1 - It is a physical place – Jesus came from there (John 6:42) and lives there (John 14:2,3), God dwells there (Matthew 6:9), angels are there (Hebrews 12:22)
2 - It is a place where our inheritance is waiting. Reserved specifically for each of us. (1 Peter 1:4)
3 - We will be free of the corruption of this earth and will be made righteous and pure. (Matthew 6:20; Romans 7:24; Matthew 13:43
4 - We will be with our loved ones who have died in Christ before us. (1 Thessalonians 4:14 – 18)
5 - We will be given rewards (Matthew 6:19 -25; 25:20-21)
6 - It is a place where those things that may have been disregarded on earth will be acknowledged and rewarded (Galatians 6:9)
7 - It is a beautiful city (or large dwelling of people) with many dwelling places for each of us. (Revelation 22:1,2; John 14:2
8 - Heaven has light, water, trees, and fruit (Revelation 22:1,2)
9 - We will be able to walk in and out of the city, the city is only part of heaven. Revelation 21:24,25; 22:14
10 - There are animals there. (Isaiah 65:25; Revelation 6:2-8;19:11)
11 - We will eat and drink there. (Matthew 8:11; Luke 22:29,30; Revelation 19:9)
I believe based on these scriptures and others that heaven is very much like the uncorrupted earth. God took the design of heaven and created earth and the place we are going is like what we have never seen before and earth like place more beautiful than words could ever describe. It is a place of love, joy, peace in there fullest so much that if revealed to us living we could not stand it. Heaven is a place where we will have the full knowledge of all of our questions; a place where we will know God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and completely feel their love, joy and acceptance of us.
Next time: what is hell like?
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