Jonny Diaz sings a song by that title. It was the first song I heard this morning. I generally start my morning out with by saying, “Thanks” to God for the day and what He is going to accomplish through it. I then listen to some Christian music. It helps me to keep my head and my heart in the right place, recognizing that everyday of my life is a gift.
The Lord has created each one of us, special (Psalm 139). We all have a plan and purpose (Jeremiah 29:11). We all are gifted from the Lord is some way or another (Romans 12). Everything in the world; its system, its fallen condition, the people who are not yet in the family of Christ are all fighting us, attempting to drag us down or compromise or to limit the view God has of us.
Whether you know it or not, you are amazing! You are created in the image of God for His pleasure. Revelation 4:11 says, “God has created all things and for His pleasure they are created”. This does not mean you are like a favorite toy to God. You were created with a purpose it could be administrative, creative, mechanical, or any other of the various gifts. When we use these gifts, we bring pleasure to God. Think of it as someone giving you a very heartfelt gift for your birthday or Christmas. It brings joy to the person to simply give the gift, then the joy is doubled when you show your appreciation by using it. God is not so thin-skinned as to be offended by you not using the gift. He is saddened because the gift will fulfill who you are, you will live an unfulfilled life if you do not use it.
Your gift is unique! You are unique! Even if you are a twin, there is no one exactly like you. The world needs your gift. The world needs who you are created to be. Your gifts were given to you for your blessing and that of the church and the world. It is easy to compare ourselves to other and look down on how God has created us or who he has called us to be. That is part of the plan of this world system, to destroy us. As we begin to accept our gifts, the way God has made us, the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, meekness, kindness, and self-control are released through our lives in great measure.
God knows you personally. He knows everything about you and loves you completely. He has already drawn you to himself. In fact, I believe being a non-believer is an unnatural state. God’s heart is that all should come to know Him. God desires that you would fulfill your purpose and destiny. Read Psalm 139 if you are unsure of how much God knows you personally.
You are just perfect. You are gifted and called. No one else is just like you. Allow the Lord to continue to lead and guide you and you will see just how amazing you are and God is through you.
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