I know you may be saying, “I don’t walk by faith.” Let me take you on a little journey to prove that at least, in little ways, you do!
Walking by faith is one of those things where we can become very critical of ourselves and others for our lack of faith. It is hard to think of having the “mountain moving” kind of faith Jesus talked about in Matthew 21:21. Everything we do for the Lord and everything we learn begins with small steps. They may not seem like small steps at the time but as we grow in our “walk of faith”, we are able to look back and see how far the Lord has brought us. Let me give you a couple of everyday examples
Have you ever bought anything on e-bay, over the television, or on-line in any way? If you have then you have operated by faith. You are simply trusting that what you are being told by the salesperson, commercial, or ad, is the truth and you take a leap of faith to believe it.
Have you ever tried something new on a menu at a restaurant? You saw the ad for the next great burger or read the description of the meal in the menu and you decided to try it. Choosing your meal became a leap of faith.
I know this may sound trite or perhaps mundane but if we recognize that we trust the word of perfect strangers then how much more should we trust God at His Word? As simple as the “leap of faith”, I described above seem to be so is any leap of faith the Lord asks of us. It is just as simple as ordering a meal or making a purchase. There is one key difference, with ordering a meal or making an on-line purchase you can be disappointed with God you as you learn to take “leaps of faith” you will never be disappointed.
For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.” Romans 10:11
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