I have been having some struggles with getting my blog done everyday. To be perfectly honest, I get bored very easily. Don’t get me wrong, I read my Bible everyday and pray everyday, those are not boring things but the day-to-day repetitive writing can get to me so I am shifting styles for a while and then we will shift back. I will blog about some challenges that I see in my life and the lives of others everyday.
I want to talk about integrity today.
Proverbs 2:7
“He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk in integrity,”
Integrity defined by the scripture is: not wavering, or divided; singleness of focus of mind and heart.
There are so many distractions today. There is such a lust for money, things, sex and power that men and women of God are even being influenced by these things and drawn off course. Paul wrote that he, “pressed on to the mark to the high calling of God”
Solomon writes that our integrity is a shield part of that is simply because an undivided heart, a person of singular focus on fulfilling God’s intent for our lives will be protected.
Romans 12 tells us that we all are given gifts. Whether you have a relationship with Christ or not God has invested in you gifts. As we come into relationship with Christ, it is like reading the instruction manual to a piece of equipment, through relationship we all of a sudden understand how our gifts work and a joy that we can have in their proper use and function. Unfortunately many of us waste much precious time not paying attention to the instruction manual. The result of this neglect is we get frustrated, angry, distracted and never completely feel fulfilled.
Assess your gifts. Ask someone who knows you well to tell you what you are gifted at doing and even perhaps what you are not gifted at doing. Focus on doing that thing that you have as a gift. Stay away from the things you are not gifted at doing. It is funny how often I talk with people who are very gifted but do not value their gift because it comes to easy to them and they want to focus on doing “something else” normally something that is complimentary to their gifting so they appreciated but they are not gifted in that area.
Guard you focus, your gift, and your drive; maintain your integrity. These are the things that will bring prosperity and joy to you. Your gifts are also meant to help others over come and become who they are called to be. In faith, we are a family with each member being just as important as the next. By maintaining your integrity, by keeping your focus, you will fulfill your destiny and enable others to fulfill theirs and advance the Kingdom of God.
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