John 9:1 – 17
Most of us like everything wrapped up in a nice neat bow. We like our movies and television shows to end with a happy and final ending. We like our lives to be in varying degrees of order. Generally we like the complexities of life simple. We fit things into categories so our minds can make easy reference and quick recall. We like things to fit in our worlds in a way that makes sense to us. God will often stretch that world to help us to see the way that He sees.
In Israel at this time, as in our world to day, we like to make simple conclusions of complex problems. If someone was sick, wounded, poor, name the problem, it was because of sin. Many people who come into my office view life this way. The difficulty they are having or some else is having is the direct result of sin. While that is a nice neat package it is not always true. Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation, some times are issues are simply because the world is the way that it is. Other times it is because the devil is the way that he is. Then there are times like we read in this passage, where it is simply about God receiving glory.
Did God specifically make this man blind and suffer for his entire life so that He could receive glory? Good question, the answer is, “No”! Sin brought into the world causes these anomalies. Not the kind we want to blame for everything else but because of man’s fall in the garden, we are bound into a sin filled and fallen world. Childhood disease, cancer, poverty, depravity and more are all the result of the fall of man. Jesus was saying to the disciples, It is not anyone’s personal sin that caused this but God is going to receive glory through the healing.
God can and still does miracles today. We put Him in a box and limit His power in our lives. We are the ones who tell Him, “No, you can’t do this or that!” Jesus said, “Nothing will be impossible with God!” the angel Gabriel said, “All things are possible with God!”
Tomorrow we find out more of what happened regarding the blind man’s story, but for today, I want you to believe in a God who can make the impossible possible for you! He can a will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all we can hope or ask. Don’t face you difficulty alone today believe that God is able to make impossible things possible. It is not always easy to believe this way, in fact until we make a habit of it, it is never easy to believe this way, but the Lord will get us there if we let Him!
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