Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25 Thought for the day...are you selfish, disloyal, or judgmental? I hope not

As we continue today talking about the "works" of the flesh. Please keep in mind while these are things our flesh wants it doesn't mean we have to do them. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can overcome any "work" of the flesh and live in the fruit of the Spirit (which we will be talking about shortly). God's plan is joy, peace, love and so much more. The works of the flesh crush that.

Galatians 5:19, 20 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear:..... selfish ambition, dissension, division,

Are you self-consumed? Are you so focused on what you are doing that you never think to ask about others? This is what Paul is talking about when he uses the word, translated here as selfish ambition. Do the people around you know all about you, but you know nothing about them? Then you are most likely functioning in this "work." Ask the Lord to break the selfishness in your life and start being interested in the lives of others. They are key to your dreams as well so you hurt yourself and your dreams by being all wrapped up in your selfish ambitions.

The word translated here, dissension means to be a disloyal, rebellious usurper. It implies being rebellious against someone to whom you should be loyal. God places authority in our lives for our good, to cause us to grow, to keep us from harm. Some adults, like little children, try to undermine, lie about, and generally gossip, trying to usurp the authority of the leadership God places in their lives. They don't recognize that when they do so, they fight God, not a man or woman, they criticize God, not their authority when they do so. All authority, Paul writes, comes from God for our good. They might be blatant about their rebellion or subtle. Like a child, acting in stubborn disobedience. Every business and church has them. The business or church is hurt by these people, but God always rises above it and will use others in their place. The people who act this way always hurt themselves because God can not bless rebellion, in fact, you have found yourself fighting God if you operate in this "work."

The last word we are going to look at today is the word translated divisions. These are people or groups who consider themselves to have a special or hidden truth. Actually, people function in either of the two words we have already defined today could fit in this category. People who believe they are the only ones with that see clearly and understand properly. There is little love in them and lots of judgment. It is their truth, or you have no truth. They create divisions in families, businesses, churches, communities, and even nations. Jesus high priestly pray was Father make them one as you and I are one. Being "one" doesn't mean we are all "cookie cutter" Christians but instead that we use all of our difference to make the whole Body complete. Unity through uniqueness!

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