Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Be an example for others to follow

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1

It is tough in our culture to stand for Christ. There are temptations all around us. There is compromise and injustice everywhere we look. It is easy to become discouraged, but God knows. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that there is nothing new under the sun. All the compromise and injustice have been around since the beginning.

We are called to be salt and light. We are called to be salt because it preserves the meat when the natural way of things is for the meat to decay and become corrupt, salt stops the decay and saves the meat. We are called to do that in our society. Salt also adds flavor to something bland and apart from Christ the world really has no true flavor. We are called to be light because left to humanity darkness will overwhelm the world. Corruption is in our fallen nature. We must be the light, the brightest thing in the room. The things everyone is drawn too.

So what does that have to do with 1 Corinthians 11:1? In Hebrews chapter 11 we are given a list of people of faith. These men and women are real people who struggled but over came by faith. The list was put together so we could be challenged in our faith to hold on and be like those who have gone before us.

We can read our Bibles and receive great insight and understanding from them, however for many people the best way they can grasp a firm understanding of the Scripture is by seeing it lived out in the lives of others. It is one thing to read that we should live by faith; it is another thing to show people how to live by faith. It is one thing to know that we must forgive others, it is quite another to show people how to do it.

We are all to be living examples of who Jesus is and how much God loves. I know that sounds difficult but the good news is that it is not really about us, all we have to do is love the Lord and allow Him to love us and we will naturally be the examples He wants us to be. It is never about perfection. Perfection is about our working to earn God’s favor. We already have His favor. It is about our love for Him and allowing Him to pour His love into every aspect of who we are and who he has called us to be.

Be the example, let Him love you and love through you!

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