Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 22 Thought for the day...are you ready to be a leader?

For anything to come to the market in the United States, it must go through rigorous testing. If flaws are found, the product is redesigned to make sure it functions properly, powerfully, and safely. God wants the same thing for you. Paul gives this instruction to his protege Timothy...

Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people's sins; keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22

Many have misinterpreted this to think that it means not to pray for anyone hastily, but we are called to lay hands on the sick, to bless people's homes when we are shown hospitality and many other things where we should be praying for people. Instead, the meaning of this passage is in choosing leaders, choose wisely, be careful whom you place in leadership.

Entrusting a child with a gun or a car without proper instruction and training is dangerous. Placing these things in the hands of someone who needs to gain maturity in the proper care of these things is hazardous for them, the people around them, and the gun and car.

A spiritual leader must be willing to protect the people under them, defend them, guide them into truth, and show them, love, even if it cost them. When choosing a leader, they must be someone with the same vision as the church, political position, or business with which they will be working. My friend, Myles Munroe used to say if there are two visions then you are destined for di-vision. For anything to be accomplished through a ministry, business, city, county, state, or region, the leadership must all be working toward the same vision. People wanting to be leaders in business, politics, and especially the church must understand that leadership is a position of servanthood. Your life is no longer your own. It is those with this understanding that should be promoted to leadership. Otherwise, there will be problems which Paul states next!

If someone is placed in a position of leadership, and they don't have these qualities, then they are destined to fail. This failure hurts them and the business, church, or political arena in which they serve. Arrogance, fear, anger, insecurities will flair up. In leadership at any level, we are stretched you hope that you are liked, everyone wants to be liked but unfortunately being a leader requires you to love people enough to speak truth, challenge, and take stands that are not always popular. If a leader is unable to handle any of this, they will blow it, sin, and fail. If we have chosen them, then our unwise choice has helped that failure.

If you feel the call to leadership, great! The church needs good leaders, business needs good leaders, every aspect of life is looking for quality leadership. Be patient, allow the Lord to work off the rough edges, to fine-tune you, to humble you, to strengthen and encourage you, so you will stand.

If you are looking for leaders, look for the qualities I have listed here and more to make sure you get the right pick. You want someone who will work with the vision the Lord has given you rather than needing to fight someone who doesn't have that vision. It is so much harder to get people in leadership to your vision than to have people raised to join your vision.

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