Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 10 Thought for the day...just do it

My blogs often are long. I break down the Greek meaning so that we can all better understand what was written. But there are times I simply need to be plain and to the point and today is one of those days.

These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:17

We need to understand this simple truth; this is not an option; this is a command. Jesus did not say, only love those that look like you, think like you, have the same background as you, agree with you. He said "I command" which means if you are going to call yourself a Christ-follower, you have no option but to do as He says and "love one another"! In other words, even if you disagree with the person if they are a democrat, republican, tall, short, rich, poor, white, black, brown, purple it doesn't matter, this is not an option for someone who calls themselves a Christ-follower...LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

So the Greek for "love" is, to dearly love, to prefer with immense favor, to give of yourself. How does that apply to the way you think about everyone in your church and every Christian you know? Jesus was saying, "I am charging (commanding) you to prefer with immense favor, giving of yourself to others in a way that shows My life to them."

I think that is probably enough for today...I love you, but you must learn to love one another...please!

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