Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1 Thought for the day...let go, move forward

Happy New Year!

This is a new day and a new year. Don't you dare waste another moment of what the Lord has given you in regret! Paul tells us to not go there at all!  Philippians 3:13

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead."

This is a great verse to meditate on as we start the new year. What are you carrying in the form of regrets, sorrow, failure, or other such things into this new year?

The word Paul uses for "forgetting" means to turn completely away, to put something aside, to totally and completely disregard. His word for "behind" means things that are completely obsolete that they have no possible usefulness. It is the same word that Jesus used when rebuking the devil, "get behind me Satan" Matthew 16:23.

Some of the regrets you face may not be just mere memories but could be the enemy trying to hassle, harass, and torment you over past failures. When you have reconciled to God, asked for forgiveness, and/or have been fighting temptation, the enemy has no right to harass you. You need to make the decision to force the "forgetting" by standing on God's Word. It is time to remind the enemy that those things are in the past and you have been forgiven. They are under the blood of Christ and are no longer applicable to any area of your life.

The enemy wants to hold you to your past, but God wants you reaching forward. Choose to believe that His blood and power are more than enough for you. Those sins, regrets, sorrows have no place in your life. God has so much more ahead of you, you can't fully comprehend the greatness of His plan, but that is what you stifle when you choose to live with regrets, sins, and sorrow. So don't do it! Keep moving forward!

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