Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3 Thought for the beyond your dreams

Many people have the desire even the dream to be rich. Stand in line to pay at most gas stations and you will be behind many whose dreams are wrapped up in purchasing a ticket. If you have faith in Christ you are already rich beyond your wildest dreams.

"you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you" 1 Corinthians 1:5,6

The Greek word used here for "enriched" means to be rich beyond measure, having an impossible amount of wealth. The idea is a person who is making money easily in abundance. Paul adds to that the phrase "by Him" when this phrase and its meaning from the Greek are added to "enriched", Paul is saying...we are made rich in Jesus.

This being rich in Jesus has two meanings. The first being when we came to Christ we became joint heirs with Jesus. All the wealth of the Kingdom is now ours as well. Wealth without limit! Secondly, Paul is letting us know, the enrichment process did not end the day we came to Christ, rather it is on going and continual. The Father is adding to our riches daily.

Paul is talking about spiritual riches...utterance, knowledge, and the testimony of Christ all of the things the gifts and fruit of the Spirit manifest in us. What is the price of real peace, true love, or active joy. What is the price to know what the Lord is doing and to see through His eyes always. These and so many other things are the true richest that this world can not own or control. The true richest that cause us to rise above all of the turmoil, fear, and limits this world has.

Our proble is we have this vast wealth, riches beyond our dreams available to us but rather than pursueing the Lord to obtain what He has promised, instead we choose to settle for so much less. You have been given and are continually being offered more wealth than you could ever imagine. Please begin today to pursue His offer so the world may see the blessings a Christ-follower is entitled to and allow them to become jealous enough to pursue Him!

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