Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It is OK to ask questions!

In our intense information age we are flooded with new views of everything. It is not unusual to hear perfectly sensible, conflicting views on any subject. During an election season it is especially evident. These conflicts can create doubt and confusion. As Christians we will hear things that seem at first to be contradictory to our faith and we will also hear things that are absolutely contradictory to our faith. How do we figure it out? The best way is to ask questions.

You would think that this would be a "no-brainer" but for some this is a trial of faith, thinking that somehow questions show a lack of faith. I believe questions are the way we prove our faith and prove also God's love, mercy, and patience toward us.

John the Baptist had known from the time he was old enough to understand that Jesus was the Messiah. His mother and Jesus' mother were relatives. A miracle had taken place when they met for the first time after Mary became pregnant, read Luke 1: 39 - 45. Later, John baptized Jesus and he heard the voice of the God affirm Jesus and saw the presence of the Holy Spirit fall on Jesus, something very few had seen or heard in all of history.

Despite all of this affirmation, after John had been imprisoned by Herod, he was hearing the stories of Jesus ministry and he began to have doubts. John was called to a different ministry than Jesus. John was the forerunner calling people to repentance so that they would be prepared to hear the Father's heart shared through Jesus. John had in his mind what this would look like and apparently Jesus' ministry did not fit the mold. John had questions! 

Luke 7: 18,19

"Then the disciples of John reported to him concerning all these things. 19 And John, calling two of his disciples to him, sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another."

John was questioning with an honest heart. This was not a question out of bitterness, frustration, or anger instead it was an earnest desire for the truth. We are human, our flesh will cause doubts to arise, we can control our flesh by seeking the truth regarding any situation. Jesus said that He is the "truth", the Holy Spirit is the "spirit of truth". Seeking the truth will always bring the flesh under control and lead us to the Lord.

Are you going through a difficult time? Have you had a struggle that you just can't get over or through? Do you feel like you are all alone with no hope? Start asking questions! Talk to the Lord like he is really listening, because He is. He wants to lead us into the truth and the truth will bring you freedom. Do not give up on asking. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7 for us to ask, seek, and knock. His challenge there is not simply to ask once but the Greek tense is of us to ask and keep asking until we get an answer.

Don't stop asking until you get and answer. Your enemy is not doubt but giving up!

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