Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Lord is our defense! He will defend and restore all that has been taken!

Have you ever had times where all you were trying to do was the best you could and be the person God has called you to be then out of no where you are attacked, your character assassinated, or the promotion went to someone else.

It is easy to wonder, “why me?” or “what did I do wrong”. It is never wrong to search your heart. David cried out for the Lord to search his heart to see if there is any wicked thing in him. We always want to grow. While none of us love discipline, Hebrews tells us that God disciplines those He loves. Our growth does come through difficulties but the Lord is always there to comfort and encourage.

What about times when the enemy continues to harass. When it seems he is getting away with so much and there is no hope. God will always come to your defense.

In the small book, Nahum (it is only 3 chapters), the prophet is burdened, God’s people have been harassed by the Assyrian army. The Assyrians were a brutal, arrogant people. Despite their brutality and ungodliness, God used them to return Judah back to Himself. Once they were serving him again God rose to their defense and was against them and restored all that had been stolen from them.

God says twice to the Assyrians, “I am against you” This is to say, you will no longer harass my people, they are no longer their own defense, I am.

God is merciful. When the Lord spoke to Nineveh (the capital of Assyria), they could have repented but they refused. People, governments, and nations only have hope because God is with them. When we stand against God for so long, His patience wears, because He loves, He warns, and if it is not heeded, He acts.

God loves your enemies. He is always giving them time to repent. He is always talking with them, while they are causing you difficulty, trying to get them to repent. If they do not, He will defend you and not only defend you but restore what has been stolen!

You are His child. He loves you and as He said of Judah, (Jacob) He “will restore the excellence” of His people.

Going through a hard time? Be patient, ask God to show you what He is doing. Know that He will rise to your defense and restore all that has been stolen.

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