Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fasting Day 3

Breakthrough in your growth and maturity.

Joshua 1:8,9

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Every day we face some kind of trial and/or temptation. The challenge is how do we overcome and walk away strong after each trial and temptation.

Joshua was about to face numerous enemies alone. He was left leaderless, Moses had died. He was now responsible for over one million people. You talk about pressure and stress. He understood the command above and how it would affect his life if he did not follow it.

The busy-ness and dailiness of our lives often cause us to forget or neglect the basics. The military, athletes, martial arts aficionados, and many others, have one thing in common; to be on the top of their game and to be ready for anything they will rehearse the basics over and over again until they are so natural to them. When a life challenge happens, they don’t need to think, they simply react because they have trained, their reaction is what they were trained to do. Their reaction will cause the necessary outcome; to save a life, score the goal, or overcome the opposition without much struggle. Staying in the Word, prayer, and fellowship enables Christians to do the same. We mature and grow by keeping the basics in our lives as a foundation to build upon.

Pray today for:

- Our Justices on the Supreme Court and judges everywhere
- Choose another family in our church to lift up in prayer.
- Pray for another neighbor or some else you see on a regular basis, bus driver, barista, a clerk at your local convenience store.
-Pray for those in our congregation that are battling addictions of all kinds from bad attitudes to smoking, overeating, laziness, work, foul language, pornography and much more
- Pray for the Elders and their wives – Wally and Bev Cieply, Mark and Donna Britt, Tom and Jean Hollis, Dana and Annette Clay, Pete and Cookie Newstrom, Dan and Bonnie Scott, Brett and Kim Lincoln, Ron and Tammy Gribbin, Reed and Julie Anders
- Pray for that part of the Fruit of the Spirit “peace”
- Choose a country with a “C” name to pray for today(find out information by going to https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html

1 comment:

Sheran said...

Dear Pastor Tim,
I am a day behind today, but I found the section "Pray For Today..." most helpful. In fact, it found a deep place in my heart. Every item nudged me into prayer with urgency: the judges, the Supreme Court (and our country as a whole!!!), a dear church family who is going through very difficult times, people with addictions, and more. It was a great GREAT pleasure to pray for the elders -- they are all so special to me and are such pillars of our church -- may God bless each and every one of them in very special ways as they continue to be prayer warriors for all of us! For peace I prayed, not just for our family but for all of our Mon Valley and for countries that start with C: Canada, Cuba, Costa Rica,China, etc., and also for the tiny country of Belize in Central America because my sister Ruth Ann is there now helping children with peritineal dialysis (kidney failure) this week. May they all be safe and may they all find the Lord as their kidneys are healed. If we hadn't been on this fast and if you hadn't written this blog, I wouldn't have thought to pray for all these wonderful things (I would have prayed for Belize) -- so thank you for this fast! Dear God, bless your people in your great love and power!